Zerith mortis mob placement/boss timers

I hope they get audited by the IRS :laughing:

puzzled look Thatā€™s a weird and spiteful hope.

Yes, they made the game worse (imo) so I hope their life gets worse


you shouldnt care about them only that they are passionate about the game and dont just clock in and take a pay check, maybe the higherups are holding them to this bad design i dunno but i think hoping they get bad luck isnt the answer, they should just make the game good but something at their office is preventing that, maybe they dont know its bad maybe they do, whatever the case is they havent changed much, i wouldnt expect dragonflight to have anything of substance only mediocre gimmicks that hold you outside of the actual game to cater to casuals with dailies and rep grinds for the 1% of the playerbase, i really hope they start to incentivize players to learn mechanics from raids outside of raids so people arent perma lfr, like imagine if they just built the game around learning things rather than menial tasks then suddenly theres a challenge and they expect players to engage with difficult content, its not like its groundbreaking game design this is the fundamentals of what a boss is.

i dunno dwindling sub counts should be a wake up call to the higher ups that they need to put money and time into the product if they want more piles of money, im going to wait after dragonflight comes out before i buy it so im not stuck buying another shadowlands or bfa, i really hope its good but i wouldnt be suprised if it isnt, too many people fall for hype and its dejecting to see.

Iā€™m talking about the players who made Blizzard make the change.

But is it dwindling money if they are selling tokens and services?

yeah if less people are playing the game less people are buying tokens

Not true

100 subscribers and 10 people buying tokens
50 subscribers and 30 people buying tokens

What you mean to say is ā€œLess people playing the game and less possible potential people buying tokensā€.

You only need 10 world boss and they spawn in a circle (I could be wrong in terms of how they spawn) it took me to figure out how to position myself when everybody else got flying and stuff. Also atleast zereth mortis flying isnā€™t annoying to get.

if your friends with someone and they stop playing your more likely to stop playing, not extremely but its more likely because an anchor to the game has been removed, so by extension people buying things having friends quit are more likely to quit its not like one person quits and thats that, one person quits another will consider it, especially if hysteria that occurred drove alot of people to not play the game.

the world bosses would ideally spawn clockwise/ counter clockwise so you can just jump to the next one if you didnt get the last one.

Probably true, idk. Everyone I know from BC till now has quit but I canā€™t quit, Wow is my home :slight_smile:

screw wow seriously play other mmos and get perspective as to what is and isnt good and youll be suprised what you find, legit too many people stick to one game myself included but i dunno theres alot of games out there worth playing and others cough arent

you could of just asked someone to fly you around to kill the rares you needed for flying or is this thread just about iā€™m to lazy to even do it? and your opinion is exactly that your opinion gw sucks. do i like chasing rares around in any mmo no cause guess what no matter how its set up itā€™s so overused by now youā€™d think game developers could actually come up with something new altogether by now

Doesnā€™t matter

You do what you want to do Iā€™ll be here playing wow :slight_smile: