Zereth mortis

is zereth mortis as mage just a bad experience or is just me? I have a 42k hp mage in pvp gear and i suffer to kill things then i log up in my 36k dh, 28k lock and 40k shadow priest and it feels smoother

tried arcane, frost and fire; frost was the least bad but still my other classes felt better farming solo.

Because all your alts have vastly more self-healing and/or tanking abilities than mages. Blizzard decided a while back, contrary to the wishes of the vast majority of the playerbase, to scale mobs based on health. Thus while your mage has more IL, the mobs now hit harder and have more health which magnifies the lack of defenses and healing.

While being able to 1 shot every mob wouldn’t be challenging in the slightest, taking 8 seconds (just made up numbers here people, don’t respond with “git gud my warrior takes 3 seconds per mob”) to kill a target at 250 IL when it took you 8 seconds at 200 IL isn’t fun. Thus is the state of WOW now.


Yeah it gets better as you gear up as far as downing targets quickly. I play fire in ZM and I don’t kill as fast without CDs single target on normal mobs compared to other classes. However I try to be efficient and chain pull as much as I can without the mobs resetting from kiting too far. I constantly stay active in combat to keep the hot streaks rolling with the legendary and just try to gather them all in AoE when I have enough stacks for the buff.

ZM scaling is better if you’re lower geared.

On mage frost mage it goes like this:

Did I get a proc or pop a CD?

Mob is dead

Did I frostbolt the whole time proc’less and alone in the world?

Better pop my shield because the mob has 80% health and is beating on me.

Frostbolt getting a big buff and then rebalancing around that buff would help imo.

ZM is definitely harder on a mage. I can log in my DH or Monk, who are similar ilvl and pull 10 things and not worry about it. If I get more than 2 on my mage I get scared. I won’t even bother trying to solo a rare on the mage, whereas it’s easy on the monk or DH. Like Bailbean said, it’s all about fishing for procs. If you get unlucky, it feels like you may as well just melee the mob down with your staff.



arcane mage in WM is super op, you grab a pack of mobs, root them, get distance and cast Arcanosphere and Arcane Power and you done

just pick your poison, pvp or slow mob kills

I didn’t realize mobs scaled on other factors besides player level, that is ridiculous.

Yes they did that back in Legion, another of Ian’s brilliant ideas that everyone said was bad yet he went ahead anyway.

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