Zereth Mortis Rep Grind for 2nd legendary

Several specs are more impacted by not having access to choosing where they put that second legendary until revered. In terms of maintaining set bonus, putting primary legendary in a particular slot as to not break that set bonus, having the ‘toy’ 265 legendary that is forced to be on the belt means that we want to rush that revered rep. But it’s gated behind a weirdly time gated rep grind that feels like it should have had some catch up put in place by now, as the only ones impacted are new players.

One way I think this could be sped up: I am not sure why the daily quests in Zereth Mortis grant Zereth Mortis reputation, this seems like it is a bug or something as any daily quest specific to a faction has always given rep. Once you’ve been farming for a week, the cosmic flux is of no concern, and if you’re just farming rep only unlocking the 3rd world quest is important for Cyphers of the First Ones. At any rate, being able to choose to take rep instead of the normal rewards for these dailies would be enough to speed up the process considerably.

Edit: Oh on top, the artificial time gating of Altonian Understanding and Sopranian Understanding is just silly. First force people to do enough dailies to unlock these, then force them to wait 6 days for it to unlock. Why?