Zereth Mortis rares schedule

Is there any addon or helper for rares and/or their spawn schedule?
Its very often when i see rare icon on the map on the other side of the zone, and since ZM is bigger than Korthia, i always miss the rare while i get there, and for me its very mindless running across the zone for nothing. Correct me if im wrong thanks.


Dunno if there’s a schedule but my general rule is if it’s not in the same 1/6 on the map that I’m in I just ignore it. No point in running endlessly just to see a corpse.


thats my point too, so that leaves only one option, to wait a specific rare to spawn, but that too is wasting time.

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It should get a lot easier on Tuesday


I’ve missed so many rares, getting there just as it dies that I’m starting to think Blizz did this intentionally.

Remember when people left to go play other games, criticizing Blizz on their way out? Well, ZM was designed as a big FU to the playerbase for questioning them.

That or they are truly the dumbest designers working in the game industry. Either answer works.


i don’t think its intentionally, but rather bad design. In Korthia at least we had chat announcements for every mob (i think for every), so it was a bit easier, and we could have arrive on time before the kill. Here we do have some announcements, but most of the times its just way too far.

They need to have more of the rares untargetable for a short period on spawning so people have a chance to get to them. I’ve spent more time just trying to get to rares that are down within seconds of spawning than any other activity and it’s exasperating. I pay my money to have fun playing. I’m spending more time in ZM upset than anything else and you know what? I’m paying for good feelings, not bad ones. When something is punishing you more than rewarding you, that’s time to start reconsidering things.