So here’s what I would have done…
Made the map smaller.
Those X’s on the map would be instant teleport sites to help players get around the map quicker when rares are called out. There would still be the FP’s as well.
As it is it is just way too big to get around quickly and have a fun experience. And can we be honest that running around a map killing rares is not fun. I’m surprised this thing got released after the “We’re listening” tour. I can’t see players hanging around doing this until whenever the next xpac comes out. You need to add in some fast travel points at the very minimum

Solution: Turn PvP mode on.
I don’t feel like it’s too big I feel like it’s too empty other than trash
It’s a definite solution to the un-fun running around killing rares problem 
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that is one thing that really upsets me nowadays the real challenge is geting to things before they die and thats about it
Won’t be so big at 310% and the ability to go straight over the cliffs.
We will be able to fly soon enough, then it will shrink by a lot
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You messed up, you showed blizzard what to do, they are going to definitely not do it now. Blizzard hates being told what to do.
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No its the perfect size for a zone that unlocks flying in a few weeks. It feels big now but when you can simply fly directly to whatever you want it will feel perfect.
It’s designed for flying and they don’t want us to fly right away because reasons that I’m sure some anti flyer on the forum will list for you.
You’ve pretty much marked the 3 flight masters on your map except that top X is a little to the right of that flight master. Problem solved?
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The map is designed with Flying in mind. The first few weeks are there to encourage exploration and give the feeling of a strange unexplored world, but you’ll be able to reach anything in seconds once you move at 420% speed and avoid all obstacles.
It’s perfectly designed in terms of size and terrain.
Every anti flyer’s argument in a nutshell:
i think it’s bad and not immersive so make everyone do it my way
literally no argument other than that, they just want you to be forced to play their way
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Wrong, nobody cares about you. People just want optimal and immersive to be one and the same.
That said, it’s obvious Zereth Mortis is designed with flying and in my opinion you’re pulled out of the experience whenever you’re running a long distance and realize the only reason this distance is so long is because some pro-flyers couldn’t shut up about it and so the zone was designed around eventually having it.
And then you also start to notice other aspects of the zone designed around flying which kind of drag down the experience. The number of rares in caves or structures, the number of rares with bizarre summoning rituals, the lack of rewards on most rares and the time-gating on the few that do have great rewards (Mawsworn Captains), etc.
At this point, I’d rather they just get it over with and unlock flying sooner. This “compromise” benefits no one. I want no-flying zones to be designed with no flying in mind. The Maw was a lot of fun in 9.0 in my personal opinion because it was designed with no-flying and even no-mount whatsoever at times. Zereth Mortis isn’t like the Maw though.
wrong, nobody cares about some rando trying to force people out of options
the anti flyers are the “force everyone to play like this” bunch
the flying crowd “let everyone choose if they want to fly or stick to the ground”
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I disagree. I think it seems big because we cannot fly. But when we are able to fly we will see it is rather average.
I prefer larger zones. Korthia was too small and crowded in my opinion. I want another Nagrand sized zone.
I did you a favor and explained it but you don’t seem to want to listen, so stay salty I guess?