ZERETH MORTIS, honest question

Once you get exhalted, and have ilvl 252 or better gear. What is there to do there? It has gotten really boring. Am I missing something? What’s the point of reservoir anima? I keep collecting it, but there is nowhere to spend it.

Highest anima rewards to unlock covenant collectibles.

After that feel free to abandon the zone.
It was mainly for story and the 2nd legendary anyway


Also good to farm and send to your alts that are at various stages in their covenants. You can also use it to buy the Ilvl 226 tokens in ZM for them to use when they hit 60 to be a bit more prepared for DF

Zm has a heck ton of stuff like transmogs, pets, and mounts you can get if that floats your boat. If not then yeah there aint much reason to go there.


Once you have the rep and the gear, the only thing left is the cosmetics. If you aren’t interested in those, you’ll have no reason to go to the zone.

I only really go there now to kill Antros for the Sandworn relics, then send them to alts to get the transmog. I’ve already done mail and leather, now working on cloth, so all alts that go there both from horde and alliance kill Antros then mail the relics to my mage, once that’s done then it will be my paladin. I think I’ve collected all of the protoform mounts I want to work on, but if you still have proto mounts or pets you want, then that is something else to do. I also keep cracking open mawsworn chests hoping for a mawrat mount, but no luck yet. Otherwise, as already noted, getting as much anima as possible, then buying the item at the flight master in Oribos and sending anima to alts to finish out any covenant transmogs , since I now have all of the covenant mounts I can buy with anima. After that…not much else to do there.

Zereth Mortis after you have finished the rep and the gear upgrades is there to create the mounts and create the battle pets. There are a lot of battle pets to create in that zone.

In their infinite wisdom, they didn’t think it necessary to bump up ilvls in ZM for S4, nor add another row of research, nor more talent points to any of the existing research options.

So when players complain about raids and m+ - those are just some of the reasons why.

Straight up completely ignored open world.

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Anima converts to gold. Buy chest armor for 250 anima, vendor chest for 86g.

After revered and with any level of gear there is nothing for me to do. Maybe use the creation catalyst once in a while.

Probably not

There are some toys, mounts and transmogs buyable with it.

The place to spend them is at the order halls.

If you’ve bought everything for one Covenant, swap to another one and start buying stuff there too.

You could farm materials for pets, and if you aren’t into collecting pets you could sell them for gold. I imagine they might go up a bit in value when DF arrives and everyone stops going to ZM

Collect hats for Pocopoc. Love this little guy, he’s replaced the Unborn Val’kyr as Lucy’s forever pet.

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Other than farming currencies for alts or pet/mount collecting, probably not much to do after the story is done.

I have been using it to get anima to complete covenant stuff I wanted. To get items that cost anima. To farm for (crafted and drops) mounts and transmog items.

This was a good thing. Not forcing players to go back and re-grind everything. Its there for non-power reasons if you want. Or you can ignore it if you dont care about those things. Still easy cosmic flux though to be able to send to alts for legos and conduits