Zereth Mortis Engineering Portal Upgrade - can we move it to Enlightened Exalted rep?
It’s currently only available in the Enlightened Paragon chests. Not only does that mean most engineers will never get it, but it’ll likely come at a time long after portaling to ZM will ever be useful. Exalted with Enlightened is already later than what would have been useful for the last few months, but better than nothing, and lots of folks are getting that rep finished in the coming weeks.
Is it accountwide?
I just port to Oribos on my engineers.
yeah, it’s account-wide. All my engineers have it now and typically if I am leveling an alt I will choose engineering to start because of the portals (need only one point in SL engineering) to port to bastion etc. while leveling.
The first paragon cache gave me the ZM portal and I agree, it is too late; don’t care anymore. And it dumps you in the middle of the zone which feels like lazy programming; especially after Korthia’s port was in the perfect place.
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is it too late to throw a bump on this? these are all great points that i could not say better myself.