Zereth Mortis chests icons vanish off mini map

Currently there is some sort of bug with the chest icons on the mini-map for the random Zereth Mortis chests like the Avian Nest, Cypher-bound chest, etc. The first player to loot these chests causes the mini-map icon to vanish off the map for all other players. That is not to say that the actual chests vanish but the icon indicator goes poof.

So if you paid attention to where you saw them and get there via just looking around you can still loot them but its still a pain to try and find them sometimes. When 4 chests pop at once not always easy to recall where 2 or 3 of the chests just were since someone nearby looted them and made the chest icon indicator on the mini-map vanish.

I guess we add this one to the laundry list of bugs and issues with 9.2 along with the HP/Mana pane vanishing and the mouse cursor bug.


I have been experiencing the same issue. It’s most frustrating because you can’t always tell whether it despawned or just the icon disappeared and then spend time maneuvering up to get it, hoping for the best. I didn’t realize it disappeared once looted by another player, but I knew something was wrong.


There are clues in the hotfix notes to the intended behavior:

Like in Korthia, once a player loots a chest a timer starts before the chest vanishes. According to that March 4th hotfix, that timer is longer than it used to be, but still it’s inevitable: once a treasure is tapped it will eventually despawn, and RNG dictates that sometimes it will do so just as you get to it. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I meant the icon, not the chest itself. I had just woken up when I wrote that, so I realise now it was not as clear. I could not figure out the behavior as to why the icon was disappearing on the map till I read OP’s bug report.

Edited again for clarity: the chest itself doesn’t actually always disappear, the icon on the minimap does, and you can’t tell whether the chest has despawned or the icon just disappeared until you climb the obstacles lol. Sometimes it is still there, sometimes not. I think the OP was observing the icon disappears once it’s looted for one player, regardless of the chest despawning or not.

And one final edit: yes, climbing all the obstacles to find the chest missing is very frustrating. Even worse, if you are in mid-loot cast at the same time :frowning:


Yeah I guess I didn’t make it clear enough. Yeah what I was referring to was the mini-map icon not the chest object itself. The object is still there and can be looted but the icon on the mini-map has vanished once the first person loots it. This can’t be intended behavior and if it is it’s scummy of Blizzard to do it this way.

It’s bad enough the icon will randomly vanish if you get too far below or above a chest making it appear and disappear off the mini-map

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Were there any indications in the notes about a fix for those chests that disappear when you get to them, but they’ve not despawned, they just disappear from the map until you walk away from them?

Because that’s annoying AF. I know they’re there, but some sort of phasing is making them disappear when you approach them.

I think he just misunderstood my original post. I reported it in game via a bug ticket already and I hope they fix this (if this is not intended behavior) or change it (if it was intended behavior). If it was intended behavior then I think Blizzard needs to continue rethinking their stance on things before the break the next expansion with idiotic choices.

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The only icon bug I’ve noticed with treasures is that the icon will disappear if your vertical distance from the treasure on the Z-axis (absolute height) is too great. This has been a problem since Legion at least and was very evident in Korthia.

I’ve personally witnessed people looting treasures in front of me and the icon didn’t disappear, so I’m not certain what is stated here is consistent behavior.

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I finally observed an occurrence of this, independently of the chest actually despawning (My character is mobility challenged vertically, so it takes long enough to get to a chest that it’s likely timing out while I struggle to get to it.)

It does appear to be a Z-axis difference of a few yards up or down that makes a chest come off the radar. Which would be bad if it continues after flying becomes available, if you can fly over a perfectly good chest and never see it because of the height difference.


Yeah my concern was the icon disappearing once someone loots the chest even if the object is still there was going to be a hassle with the flying but never thought about the annoying elevation issue to being a problem. Well hopefully they fix this, thankfully finished the whole cypher thing on my druid so at least I don’t need those chests as much anymore for that stuff.

Apparently still an issue or I have the same bug for different reasons. Chests/Avian nests etc. almost never show up on my mini-map the past few days.

download the addons HandyNotes – HandyNotes_Shadowlands – HandyNotes_ShadowlandsTreasures to find all the Treasures for that zone. the icons do disappear from the mini map and the map (M) when the first person or you loots it so it’s different to the other icons on the map like the mining - herbs - fishing, ect nodes that stay on the map for around 5mins after someone has looted it

Thing is, you shouldn’t have to download and add-on for the icons to NOT disappear. It’s stupid that it is designed like that and they are punishing every player after the first one to loot it.

Also the HandyNotes isn’t fool proof since it shows you EVERY possible chest location, not the ones that are actually up since it doesn’t know any better and it tends to clutter up the map so you don’t know in brief moment if the chest is actually there when passing over it unless you waste the time to investigate each one.

It’s stupid design they didn’t need to do this way (or is bugged and they did a poor job scripting it) when they’ve had the icons remain up until the thing vanishes in the past like in Korthia with the mawshrooms and etc.

But I really doubt they clowns will be bothered to fix this issue since it’s probably low on their priority list if it is actually a bug. Also they’re subscription base is probably starting to dwindle since 9.2.5 doesn’t offer much new and that has to last until the next expansion which is probably not coming until next year.


Still an issue btw, and we’re heading into the second post-Shadowlands expansion lol