Zereth Mortis as a fresh 60?

Hello, I’m an alt-oholic and I was wondering how difficult Zereth Mortis is for fresh 60’s? Will the mobs and quests be too difficult to complete solo with very little gear?

Thanks a bunch.

There’s a Vendor to buy 226 Gear for Anima very cheap that are BoA, as well as 233 crafted gear once crafters hit honored anyway with the new rep.

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SoulsoBreezy posted a video about this a week or so ago, and said it won’t be bad because of ilvl scaling. Also, all the greens that drop plus the anima gear you can get for 500 anima a piece are 226 ilvl so you’ll boost your ilvl very fast. You should be able to hit 60, and jump into current content on an alt with no problem. As a fresh player hitting 60, they’ll still have to do the campaign stuff, but that will give them gear as they quest their way into this patch as well.

So, good idea to have a lvl 60 parked before patch hits In case someone wanted to switch mains?

What you want to do is, be sure to play as soon as the “doors” open to the new content. That way you’ll have all the geared bros there with you who can kill everything for you and you just tag it :wink:

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You’re only Level 56.

Zack Morris is going to rock you.


You can also buy the crafted gear which is ilvl 200 + 1 ilvl 230. Might be pricey, but those will come down as more people reach the ZM crafter’s marks.


Don’t worry, it will be a breeze.

Buy a zereth mortis weapon, chest, pants, and head for a sum total of 2k anima and that will be enough of a power boost to get you started. Absolute worst case scenario where you have no anima whatsoever and want to do ZM as fast as possible - join a world boss group in group finder, tag the world boss, and then buy the zereth mortis 2-hand for 500 anima.

As long as you have your campaign done its pretty easy to switch it up. The only reason you really would have to have it done on more than one is for unlocking quests for creating rank 5-6 lego base items. It’s actually fairly streamlined this go around, much unlike the end of bfa

Affliction Witch, in 148ish, I expect you’ll get rocked alot.

As previously stated, there will be plenty of geared toons killing the common mobs… and that is actually the problem. You will need to be careful, to not get caught in the respawn wake.

Maybe buy some 200 stuff, or duel spec into Destruction… having a pet tank has value.

Comeback here in a couple weeks… tell us, was it fun?

Zack Morris should be a rare in Zereth Mortis.