Zen flight

Look blizzard, I think I speak for all monks when I say… can we please have zen flight work like a normal mount…… for the love of god, I’m not asking to pick herbs with it or anything special. All I want is to zoom around on my cloud. Also, don’t think about removing it, I still use the slow version for fun… just fix it please.


Yes please! And if we haven’t unlocked flight, still make it usable as a ground mount with the max speed you paid for.

As a fisherman, I like it the way it is now :slight_smile:


I think it’s fine as it is. The special benefit of it is being instant cast and you can fish from it and do things.

It would just be too OP if it could also move at max mount speed. To compensate Blizz would have to remove the benefits and add a cast time. And where’s the fun in that?

Plus it’s about Zen! Gotta be chill and meditating. You can’t relax blazing through the sky at mach 3 speed. :wink:


Druids have flight form, which does not have a casting time, is not slower than a normal flying mount, and has almost all of the benefits of Zen Flight with none of the downsides

The only thing Zen Flight has over flight form is that you can fish while using it


Zen Flight needs to be kind of like Druid Travel Form, imo.

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It would be op to chinese golf farming bots. lol
Might finally give people a reason to play monk.

It’s practically worthless. And there’s no reason Druids should have a monopoly on travel form.

Ever play a Druid? I’m asking for just normal speed. Ppl can pick flowers on a different mount. I want to just zoom around like god damn goku on my cloud

Sorry for the necro but it needs to be heard.

It should work on dragon isle - not to fly but at least to be able to fish and or be chill on our clouds. This is so dumb it’s totally useless now in the current content.


As long as it was still instant cast, I’m totally down for faster movement.
I don’t know how many times it’s saved me from dismounting mid air or falling or jumping off a cliff for fun. I love it due to it being ista cast and all of that, so as long as that part is never changed, I’m down for faster movement.
I also agree we should be able to “fly” on the ground when we can only use ground mounts.

I did not know Monks could fish on their cloud. That is neat. Not that I fish much in game, anyway.

I think the little cloud is adorable. It is fine enough as it is. But if they made it faster, I would not complain.

Yes, I would like to sit on my cloud in Dragon Isles, it’s rather silly that I can’t. It’s speed is as fast as a shopping cart.



Making Zen Flight scale with mounted speed should have been the default from the beginning. Blizzard, it’s time. It hurts no one.