Zen Flight needs dragon riding

It’s time blizzard, we’re getting the super saiyan tier set, it’s time to make our flying nimbus actually fly instead of fall with style.


Long as it’s still instant cast I’m down :slight_smile:

Though I’ll say … I do like using it for fishing …


No. That’s a terrible idea.

Zen Flight is great for flying in, interacting with stuff then flying off. It’s really great when you’re trying to get into somewhere to pick up a treasure, rather than trying to hit it just right with Skyriding. The fact that we can do that without having to switch to Stable Flight first is extremely useful.

People need to stop trying to nerf Zen Flight with Skyriding. All Zen Flight really needs is some sort of slowfall that works in no fly zones.


Instead of taking a dump all things in life maybe realize that having a toggle button much like regular dragon flying does is a perfectly valid option.



I would totally put it on my bar if it did. Could you imagine how goku cool that would be!

Lets toss in flying motorcycles too please. I’d love something like hagrid from HP had …as an engineer this makes me happy.

Except that’s not what you asked for, is it?

Also, what do you think the chances are that they’re going to devote any sort of additional coding resources to make a separate toggle for a Monk ability instead of just having the Skyriding/Stable Flight toggle apply to it?

Stop asking for nerfs. If you haven’t figured out how useful Zen Flight is, that’s on you.


Bro you’re beyond cringe go away.

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Whining because someone doesn’t like your idea is what is actually cringe, sport.

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You are nitpicking and biased. I win. Bye bye.

I don’t think you know what nitpicking means.

But I am biased. Of course, I am. I use Zen Flight on a daily basis for what it’s intended to do, and your proposed nerf would directly impact that and make my playing experience worse. Why else would I have pushed back on your unoriginal, terrible idea?

As for you winning? Lol. You got butthurt because I strongly opposed your idea. You can’t lose like that and then claim you won.

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I like Zen Flight. I don’t know if other people do this and whether it’s intended, but you can mine while using Zen. And since you can hover above the ground, you can avoid things like the EZ node explosives. That’s mostly what I use it for.

But I’d give that up to make it a form of instant fast travel like Druid flight forms. They’re the only class that currently have access to something like that as far as I can tell. Would be a nice QoL change to get it.

No see, I used a Dunkey meme to illustrate how absurdly up your own rectum you are. You can’t even look at a literal meme and understand the sheer sarcasm literally tea-bagging you in the face.

It’s just a game man relax.

Uh, huh. Keep huffing the copium, kid. Face it, you couldn’t handle that someone disagreed with your “genius” online. I’m sorry to tell you, but you know all the times your mommy told you that you were cool? She was lying.

Okay now you’re actually cringe. Bye bye.

Now you’re just repeating yourself. Cringe, indeed.

My dude if I wanted some boomers opinion who doesn’t play the game in any skillful capacity yell at me for how he won’t be able to skillfully pick flowers in his slightly too difficult open world content I’ll hit you up. Until then keep yelling at clouds.

The sheer idea that you actually use the ability to gather is memeable.

Stay bad at the game.

Lol. Just because I’m not a Dragonball Z wannabe doesn’t mean I’m bad at the game. If you really want to be all edgelord you should have rolled hunter or DK. They’re more suited to your temperament, I suspect. You’re just embarrassed that you’ve been sleeping on a great ability.

Waiting for you to say goodbye for a third time…

Mad cause bad. But you’re right I’ve been entertaining a bot for a little too long. You’re a last word Andy, so go on, I’ll give you this one.

Ez game

I haven’t really used Zen Flight much since lighter than air works as fall protection. I do use it rarely when I cant find a tough to see herb node. People like it for what it is, even though it is pretty niche.

I don’t think it needs Dragon Riding type flight.

Why not just ask for a cloud mount if that is what you want? Leave Zen Flight alone. Both sides can be happy.

I imagine Zen flight is probably coded differently than mounts too. Maybe not. I’m not a game dev lol.

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