Zen Cloud for Dynamic Flying please?

Title. I just want to zoom about on my Zen Cloud.


Bro yes. If druids get dragonflying and vokers do we should too!


Yes!! What’s the point of this ability even beyond a meme? Let us DBZ that thing for real!!


Agreed, its time monks get an upgrade to our cloud


It does have a point in outdoor content.

Its an instant cast mount so you can negate fall damage, and it interacts with almost everything. I was fishing Lunkers on it!


I used to want this, but then I thought about it and think it’s actually neat that zen flight isn’t a mount.

I love just using it to fish over some fishing spots, it’s like a raft that can float and fly around. You can also hover up and cast a mount while up in the air on it, it’s neat.

We already have 1000 other mounts, do we need 1 more if it means losing a cool little gimmick that no other classes have?


Just wish it could be used in combat or non flight areas as a levitate


100% this I want to zip around on my cloud


This is the only real upgrade that’s actually needed. I use it all the time - it’s great for going around and interacting with stuff while being able to just go over obstacles instead of around them. Chest up a tree? Zen Flight. Mobs surrounding a chest? Zen Flight. Making it dynamic would kill all of its usefulness.


Steps to make Zen Flight Cool:

  1. Change player animation to match those used for riding “disk” mounts.
  2. Change Zen Flight to match Flight Form functionality (which will cause it to lose some existing functionality, such as casting Soothing Mist or Fishing while floating).
  3. Add a visible movement trail, similar to what is seen in Dragonball Z.
  4. Profit.

They just need to make its like nimbus from DbZ

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This would be hilarious and I am all for it LOL

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Those would all make it lame. I have plenty of mounts. I don’t need to lose a useful ability for yet another one.

Want to fly around on a disk cloud? There’s one you can get from Pandaria. We certainly don’t need more Dragonball Z silliness.

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I disagree, i think that would be very intresting, but also let us toggle it’s og functionality. For those that want it for that.


Could just make it an entirely new monk only mount that takes the red flying disc, replaces the clouds with chi mists, and removes the metal platform part. Call it ‘Chi Somersault’ or something as a homage to the Monkey King’s nimbus.

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The Flying Nimbus as well as most of pre Z dragon ball comes from the ‘Journey to the West’, which is deeply rooted in a lot of Asian based media. The ‘Cloud somersault’ is probably the most iconic part of the Main Character, who is also a martial artist, next to his staff. Even WoW has its fair share of references to it with the Monkey king and the entire Hozen race being a direct reference to Sun Wukong and his Monkey tribe.

So us having an iconic ability, from an iconic character, from an iconic story all from a media our class is based around is great flavor for us.

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