Zel'Han the summoner is bugged

Cannot complete the quest as he evades. This is a campaign quest so I cannot play and would like a refund.


I am in the same boat. I have put in 3 tickets. I see this has been happening off and on for a month

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Still bugged. Sucks that it is a campaign quest.


Same here, still bugged.

Aerie Peak server, can confirmed still bugged. Saw a suggested work around that said to turn on War Mode and then he’ll be killable. Yeah, not when opposing players are camping the location and continually killing the boss.

Unfortunately war mode seems to be the only solution for now. I am disappointed that issues now take days to resolve or even get feedback. Blizzard Support is really lacking now.

US-Turalyon still bugged, can confirm war mode fixed it for me.

Needs fixed players cannot continue the campaign until you finish this quest

Still an issue on Kel’Thuzad’s realm

Currently, Zel’han the Summoner is buggest because he is at half life, unvulnerable while scourge of the Dreadmire is alive. We have on Echo Isles about 20 people or so with alliance and horde waiting for him to be fixed. I am unable to progress in the campaign until this quest is complete.

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5/1/2021 Still an issue, had to turn on WM and it worked fine. What a pain…

I am starting to question the Quality Department at Blizz. So, just in the Fae campaign line, I had one boss that you had to kill before the NPC would talk to you to get the quest to kill the boss. I had deer that wouldn’t throw up a complete quest icon. And now, an NPC that I have to kill that is immune. I understand that bugs happen, but this expansion is old now. Plenty of time to read and correct bugs. Maybe we should take back a few of those unearned CEO bucks and put the money in to a few quality people?

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2021-07-04. Really sucks that this is part of the campaign. Today was my only day to play this week and can’t get up to speed on 9.1 for the first reset.


Still bugged… Previously did the war mode swap on another NF toon and that worked but this time no luck… good thing this is a new bug…