This is basically impossible to complete now, at least on a normal DPS class without pets or some other cheese. There are videos of this pre-hotfix where Brann literally tanks the whole thing and does basically 700k-1M+ DPS the whole time. It was still a good challenge, but it was doable for normal classes.
After the hotfix this is basically impossible. Brann falls over in seconds and he does nowhere near the same amount of DPS he was doing before. Not that it matters how fast he dies because he cannot hold aggro anymore either way. Xaryu has a video killing this posted yesterday pre-hotfix where in the first 20 seconds he unloads a full arcane mage opener with lust and the boss does not stop targeting Brann once. Now if I even DoT the boss it is enough to pull aggro. This is also not a gear issue. 30 more ilvls of gear are not going to make up for the fact that I get melee’d for 80% of my health every hit. Not every class can kite infinitely and most normal DPS classes do not have the sustain to keep that up for the whole fight.
It seems ridiculous that people got to complete this simply because they had time to play and do it earlier than everyone else with a godlike Brann tank. Please tune this better so everyone else can complete it without having to reroll to a tank or a hunter. Thank you!
I don’t think they should take it away from the people who did it early because they technically weren’t exploiting. What they should do is leave it in its original state for everyone and tune next season’s “Zekvir” to be harder if that’s what they want.
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Yeah, this is a big issue. I also don’t think it should be taken away from anyone who did it previously - it’s not like it was trivial with the original tuning. However, the Sep 12 hotfix changes obviously affected this fight in a huge way, taking it from a challenging encounter to something that is completely impossible for all but a select few classes/specs/hero trees.
Thats why you need to abuse early and often.
True, thank you for your valuable contribution to this conversation.
Delves in general are scaled terribly. Abilities are doing 3-5x what they did two days ago. I’m assuming we’ll see tuning passes as the weeks go by.
Agreed, I do not want them to take it away from anyone. I just want them to either put it back the way it was or tune it to at least make it possible for any class to do it.
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Even after the fixes an hour ago this is impossible. There is something very wrong with the way Brann is now. Yesterday it was hard but fair. I, like others, was making incremental progress with getting Zek low. I took a break and woke up to him 2 shotting Brann or me. It’s actually impossible now, and not in a way that a few more item levels will fix. Please revert Zek to the way he was before the changes. He was in a great spot and I was having more fun than I have in a long time. This just feels bad now.
As a follow up, I think Brann’s HP is capped at player HP. I entered a Zekvir’s delve in my gear, Bran had the same HP as me (4820k). I then exited, removed all my gear, then re-entered and Brann had the same HP as my naked character. When I placed my gear back on it raised his hp cap back to 4820.
Edit: Looking at my video from yesterday. It appears he was also capped at my HP yesterday, but Zev was hitting him for significantly lower damage and Brann had more substantially more mitigation.
Edit 2: He’s hitting between 1.5-2 mill on average whether im on my rogue or warrior (tried prot and fury). Bran dies in 2-3 hits regardless of class/spec.
To add to this, my Bran is nearly lvl 30 and does fairly decent dps in delves however in Zekvir’s fight all he does is autoattack the entire time.
My Brann is level 36 and is functionally useless in the ?? tier, was able to slog my way through ? tier by having him just be a healbot. He does sub-100k DPS and is not nearly as powerful as he is in the other delves.