Zekvir with a 40 sec interrupt

How do we beat Zekvir if your interrupt has 40 secs and healing comes before it? What am I missing

You take the talent that makes it a 20 second interrupt.


You only interrupt his heal. You play scalecommander so you can deep breath every other enfeebling spit and run healer brann in the hopes he dispels the rest. Some evokers run pvp medallion to cover gaps.

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Just did this the other day on my evoker after many, many attempts since I couldn’t do it on my disc priest and suck at shadow. lol You want to spec into Imposing Presence, it reduces quell’s cooldown by 20 seconds. Interrupt only his heals, and deep breath every other spittle to remove the debuff. This was what gave me the most challenge. You need a macro to cancel the deep breath right after using, just in case you need to interrupt a heal shortly after. Sometimes Brann dispels and sometimes he doesn’t. I usually waited a tick or 2 to see if he would dispel it or not, or if he would throw a yellow immunity shield so I didn’t waste my deep breath. If he doesn’t, and your breath is on cooldown, you need to pop whatever defensives you have up to try to stay alive.