At this point I just assume when people are saying they are struggling, its about “??” difficulty and not “?”.
“?” Is interrupting a cast and killing spider eggs before they hatch.
“??” Is more of a mechanical test than anything. The only dps that matters is killing the eggs before they hatch. Interrupt the heal, and deal with the snare/DoT however your class/spec is able to. Dodge everything you need to dodge, and cut Zek down a little at a time during the fight.
Take your time, learn the rhythm, and roll with the rng of egg spawns and crappy frontal placements. You got this.
You’ll get it. Took me 154 tries. Some people it seems can’t kill it after 600+ tries but they are not changing their build probably. I did about 50-ish tries as Affliction and just wasn’t doing enough burst DPS to kill the eggs in time. Destruction + diabolist worked much better and got the kill.
I’ve done Zekvir ?? on three classes. Feral, Unholy, and Subtlety. Of those three Unholy was definitely the easiest. AMS is such a good ability.
Subtlety was rough. Felt like I just barely had enough tools to handle Spittle and every single one of them was a two minute cooldown. I had to pick up a PvP trinket just to have a backup.
Plus the Rogue was easily the most fragile of those three classes. I have no idea how they stay alive in normal PvE content. (My Rogue guildie says the answer is that they don’t.)
It took me around 45 attempts to down it. A lot of it was me not positioning Bug Man right, with some being Brann taking a break and watching him punch me to death.
There’s a rhythm to it, and it does depend on your class but there are ways to get around things your class may have issues with. Just have to keep trying.
Wait, now that I think about it… spiders don’t have the same kind of respiratory system that humans do. They don’t have a windpipe to crush. What exactly is Asphyxiate doing to them?
Got my kill on 9/27/24 at ilvl 611 as a dev evoker around 30 pulls. There shouldn’t be many difficulties at ilvl 630. What part of the fight are you losing to?
Went in on my 616 surv hunter last night, pet was 1 shot and then i was 1 shot by mechanics that didn’t show the graphic on the floor while i was trying to kill the egg.
So back to doing other things again. Props to those who killed him I guess.
Honestly, I love that they are figuring out challenging solo bosses for players who aren’t big fans of group content, yet want something to progress towards each season.
My partner is new to WoW and is 619 ilvl, and is determined to down Zek’vir on his own. It warms my heart to watch the fight train him on positioning, movement, consumables, bursting adds, and keeping cool under pressure.
Well, I hate to be that guy, but I think it took me 5-ish pulls to get him, mostly because I was being stupid and didn’t understand the spit mechanic. Not sure if Rogues are just really good at that fight, but mechanically I don’t think there’s anything too difficult about this fight.
Attempted at 636 iLVL, which probably helps a lot.
Here are some tips
Enfeebling Spittle was probably the hardest mechanic for me to deal with personally. A lot of guides say that you can interrupt it, but slow removing abilities will remove the spittle.
A focus kick macro can be quit helpful when you have to take care of the add.
When he’s doing his spikes, just focus on dodging them, the DPS you do in this phase is probably insignificant if you have a hard time DPSing and moving
Interrupting his heal is critical, prioritize it over everything else
Don’t waste Bran’s potions, spread them out as much as you can, but pick them up well before their expirations
It’s a tough but fair fight, keep on trying it, I’m sure you’ll get him eventually.
For people used to end game mechanics it’s a pretty straight forward fight once you understand the rhythm of the fight.
Hopefully im not being too presumptuous but I think a lot of the people struggling typically don’t do a lot of end game content, and now high tier delves are their first foray into fights with multiple 1 shot mechanics.
That’s a pretty huge understatement. Doing it on my warrior at 615 vs 603 was like night and day. I can’t imagine what 636 is like. The mechanics are only really challenging if burning the eggs is hard and the unavoidable damage is lethal.