Zekvir ?? is among the last few things I have to do for Season 1 in Delves and it’s complete @$%&@$%&.
And I know some folks will probably read this and either say to themselves (or reply) “But I did it. It’s not hard. Gitgud. etc”. That’s fine. It’s fine if you did it when Brann was OP or you did it on a DK, Monk, or Paladin.
Too Much RNG
This encounter simply has too many scenarios of RNG to make it anywhere close to a “skill check” fight.
- Egg placement is RNG
- Order of casted abilities is RNG
– The amount of lethal abilities contributes to the RNG insanity. Three major abilities in Phase 1, which some get altered in Phase 2, to make them worse in addition to the spider add if you do not kill it, and a required interrupt on the heal.
– The fact that these spells can pile up in a spell queue and be cast randomly also multiplies the RNG factor.
The combination of those two points can generate a number of scenarios that just screws you over as a player, most of which guarantee a death.
This encounter is not a skill fight. It’s an RNG fight. And to make matters worse, there are some classes and specs that simply can’t do this at all while other classes and specs breeze through it because their toolkit allows them to ignore some, if not all of the major mechanics of the fight.
What kind of “challenge” design is that??? It’s not.
Brann is completely useless and unreliable as both a healer and as a DPS.
If your class relies on Brann to dispel the very lethal dot, or at the very least every other application, good luck.
It’s a shame he was completely gutted as a DPS when folks were able to use him to help kill the boss. Everyone else, well too bad!
I can appreciate a good challenge. When the overall success has so much relying on RNG, though, it’s no longer a challenge of skill. It’s “pull enough times until you get your good luck RNG pull” and that is not fun at all.
FTR, I’m 626 ilvl as a MS prot warrior and I’ve cleared a level 11 delve just fine solo. It wasn’t anywhere near as annoying as this specific encounter. It didn’t require any boss mod adjustments, no special macros, etc. Just went in and cleared it without issue.
I hope it gets a serious adjustment before the season ends so that others can complete it reasonably. I really hate the fact that I may have to gear another class to gimmick the fight and get it done.
Challenge designs, by default, should be able to be completed by every class at a relatively same level. The fact that you have some classes that have a significantly easier time than others speaks to the issue of this encounter being terribly designed.