Yeah, its not even overtuned, but just plain boring. You endlessly repeat the same mechanics in quick succession and thats it.
The hardest part was without doubt the brann affix.
Uninspired could be the best word to describe it.
I had incomparably more fun with Torghast’s seasonal achievements so far:
All of these were much more elaborate and interesting than what the delves can offer so far.
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It’s not too bad. As I said the DPS check is lower because the adds have less hp and you can just dispel yourself when you get spittle. Just about working out how much damage available you need for each egg and making sure you have it. The boss itself also has less hp so the fight doesn’t even take much longer.
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Will you be doing S2 delve boss tho?
Not sure tbh, maybe I morally rebound after a few months.
I was curious about this so I tested. At least for my characters, Prot doesn’t get any reduced Egg HP. On my rogue and prot warrior, the eggs have precisely the same HP. I also respec’d my warrior to fury to see if that made any difference, and it does not. These chars have different ilevels, so it doesn’t seem to scale on that either. On my resto druid, it does have slightly less HP (a whopping 6%).
I can’t easily tell if maybe the hatching timer changes. Is that what you’re saying? Or are you talking about a different DPS check?
I was talking DPS checks. Ive only bothered to do it on 1 tank spec and i thought it was lower.
But healers due to innately lower DPS output do have the lower DPS checks (is it really only 6%? So like 6.8m vs 7.1m)
I’d like to say after almost 200 pulls I’ve given up on it for several weeks now. I want to try, but I also don’t really want to play the game itself at the moment.
The precise figures I have are 7799k for DPS and 7312k for healer. I only tested with the toons I mentioned, so I have no other data. They range in Ilevel from 606 (rogue) to 610 (war) to 615 (druid), but since rogue, protwar, furywar all had preciesly 7799k, that seems like good data.
It also gets affected by Brann’s role it seems.
Yeah it doesnt scale on ilvl
Melee swings scale on armor type (or role if tank)
Egg/Zek HP based on healer vs others
Sorry for having the values all messed up, i havent been in there in a few weeks
So tank + dps brann = higher?
First few times i tried it on Guardian, i thought id have enough self healing to deal go this route, but i never paid attention to the numbers
Here’s a video of a 606 resto druid doing it. Can’t quite see the numbers on my phone but it doesn’t look like they’re struggling with the add that much, especially for their ilvl.
Egg was easier for me to burn down as Holy from what I could tell
Only thing is Brann can’t kick in healer spec.
I feel like your health tanking due to the dot would be a good wake up to dispell it.
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Canr dispel in dps spec either. Seems like the trade off
Worries me that theres people running around in 10+ keys with this little situational awareness
If you were in 10+ as VDH you would know that I am used to me health going from 10 to 100 all the time.
That is why I needed a reminder.
Its different content entirely M+ and the sadism boss in devels.
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This doesnt change anything about what i said though…
The cast bar and name of the spell is a pretty good one too.