Zekvir ? ? Overtuned Sadism

Yeah, if you just stay close to him you are generally okay in phase 2 avoiding the web shot.

I don’t think it needs to be changed in difficulty, I think certain rng elements can be trimmed down though.

That’s how you get killed after eating three auto attacks.

The fight is actually easier if you don’t know the Havoc spec. Half your kit is bound up in abilities you can’t cancel out of and have mandatory animation cycles- ironically something Zekvir doesn’t have to deal with- and there’s flat odds those abilities will either work as intended and get you killed or will not work as intended and get you killed anyways. The result is a fight that shows not how good you are at the game but instead your willingness to put up with RNG.

Bad timing on a fel rush? Get feared into a claw slam, dead.
Bad timing on fel rush? You get caught on invisible geometry on the stairs and can’t escape an AOE. Dead.
Bad timing on fel rush? It pushes you in the direction you were facing and not where you are facing, and catapults you into an aoe. Dead.
In fact, it’s probably better to just not use fel rush because RNG has fair odds of killing you.
Did you just use felblade? We know it’s one of your primary fury generators but, nope, dead. Endless Spikes has some horrible AOE indicators that make it difficult to see where exactly the ability stops but we’re confident in pushing this problem onto you instead of matching decade(s) old industry standards.
Did you just cast eye beam? We clearly knew the lack of movement speed was a problem when we first introduced it because we also included ways of addressing this but screw you, you’re playing a demon hunter and we removed that extremely useful effect with no replacement. No movement, here’s an AOE that started casting after you started casting, dead.
Did you just cast fel rush to get out of an AOE? Man, I hope it works the way you expect it to because we’re not fixing it. Mages have had blink even longer and it’s no better! Dead.
We know Metamorphasis is your class defining ability- we tied an entire hero spec around using it, after all- but ah, it’d be an awful shame if Zekvir cast an AOE right when you cast it. You’re going to get out of it in time right? We know it makes it harder to see where these things even end because it makes your character model significantly larger but that’s a you problem. Dead.
You didn’t just walk to the edge of this small room, did you? Because your camera’s going to screw you over in about a second when you can’t see anything. Dead.
Vengeful retreat is part of your core rotation and can be a fury generator but we’re going to have to have you not use it because if you get hit with spittle and Brann just decides to not cleanse you, your only way of removing it is vengeful retreat. Which locks you into an unskippable animation. Oh, and don’t bother trying to interrupt it, if you do, Zekvir will get to heal uninterrupted. Maybe. We don’t really know when he decides it’s time to heal. Sometimes he just wont self heal.

It needs to be a larger, flat, open arena. His AOE mechanics need another 0.1 - 0.5 seconds added to the cast time to account for some classes and plain old server latency. His auto-attack needs to be rigidly associated with it’s animation so that the game is clearly communicating it’s own mechanics. Some specific classes and specs- especially tanks- need changes made. Expecting tanks to clear DPS checks that are identical to actual DPS checks is nutty. Depending on intent, spittle should either be uninterruptable, or extend an internal cooldown for self healing. Since I doubt that second one is intended, spittle should just be uninterruptable since there’s absolutely no reason to interrupt it. All AOE mechanics should have clear, unambiguous indicators rather than making you play guessing games.


If you say so, but sometimes it just felt random as to what he would do. Like, for example, on my winning run against him, he did his meteor swarm ability once, then the spit, and then immediately another meteor swarm afterwards.

Another time he did something similar, but this time with his empowered fear one after another.

That’s what I meant about it feeling like a lot of it comes down to RNG and hope you are not in the wrong position at the wrong time. But it is very much doable, just requires a lot of patience’s, and a bit of trial and error to understand how he works. Elune knows it took me more then one attempt to understand why I was dying to his empowered fear despite being outside of the AOE itself. :3


Having finally cleared it I can say, yes, it’s 90% RNG.

If RNG decides to part cheek and crap on you, you’re screwed. The pedestal area will cause a non-trial number of wipes. Egg placement will decide a fair number of wipes. You will die a fair number of times just fighting the game’s crappy UI and bad design decisions. Like having the enrage phase web portals stay long after the mechanic has processed.

There’s also no rhyme or reason to when Zekvir uses his abilities. Sometimes you’ll get punished for using your interrupt on spittle, sometimes you wont. Sometimes Brann just refuses to cleanse you. Sometimes you can successfully burst down the eggs before they hatch, sometimes you have to burn through all your CD’s to accomplish it.

Your gear doesn’t even make the fight easier, it just tones down how bad the RNG nonsense is. Zekvir stringing out auto-attacks independent of his abilities is less likely to kill you when you have ~6 million HP than when you have 5. Your DPS is high enough that Zekvir stringing out AOE’s over an egg isn’t an automatic fail state.

But yeah, easily one of the worst designed fights I’ve done recently.


Right, hence my original post.
Yet there was a lot of haters spewing hate on me for no reason.

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No clue what you mean by this. The way I play wow is a VERY casual. It’s just to relax and have fun. I don’t do anything that requires stress (in WOW). It exists, in my life, solely as a way to hang out with my friends and waste a little time.
I feel like dedicating any large amount of time to WOW, or any other video game, is wasting a huge amount of your life. They are only fun distractions, not important is the slightest bit. Any should NEVER be a cause of stress or distress.

So hard content existing isn’t a burden, and should not be deleted/removed so you have 100% completion? Like, you’re playing WOW which has content catering to the top even at the start.

It’s like going into Dark Souls and complaining that something is too hard, when that’s like, the selling point?

but its not dark souls isnt it,
it was never advertised as such,
it was always a casual mmo

I don’t give two craps about 100% completion. lol. ever. I just said I won’t take part in a crappy boss fight that seems unfun. So if the audience is anything like me. It was a waste of resources.

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WOW as a casual mmo still has content catering to the top.

Vanilla and ever onwards. It’s not suddenly implemented one day.

This is also not Wildstar where developers deleted easy mode.

The audience is not like you.

Says you. Plenty of people just don’t care about this. You do what you want, but beating ‘hard game mechanics’ is a wasted skill. That and $2 will buy you a cup of coffee.

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Beating hard game mechanics relies on problem solving and teamwork, both are vital skills. (Because this is a group based game.)

It’s not wasted at all.

That’s such a delusional take. Building real world team skills doing something profitable in an actual market place is valid. Beating Zekvir, is hardly a noble accomplishment.

You can quit being on the internet right now, and start picking up another shift somewhere.

And some people translate hobbies into revenue. Streamers, game developers, whatever Liquid does, etc.

Sure, it’s not the majority, but that’s like most hobbies. Most people won’t see a single cent from their activities.

Zek’vir isn’t much, but some people do make a career out of coaching League of Legends or other games. Or even WOW PVP.

I don’t see why one hobby that doesn’t generate money irl should be seen as better than another hobby that also doesn’t generate money irl. I prefer my hobbies to be intellectually stimulating rather than auto-completion.

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I’m literally running my business as we speak. lol. I own my own store and chat on wow forums in between customers.

I’m glad they make the game varied and have things for everyone, but I don’t like stress and don’t want any of it in my gaming experience. So I will let them know. To keep my dollars streaming into them, keep it easy. They will then find the balance that make the most $.

Could be doing something that generates money irl this very second, somewhere. It’s a 100% choice to be on the wow forums where there isn’t a single cent to be earned.

I know of a crypto platform where people write blog posts and if anyone upvotes, they get money.

As for more popular platforms, the subreddit cryptocurrency moons has stuff like that, you get paid based on upvote.

There’s like tons of opportunities to generate negligible amounts of money this very second that you can participate in.

Or maybe consider, maybe money isn’t the most important goal in life.

Dial it back a bit, there are people who only do delves and defeating Zekvir was a very satisfying thing to some of us.

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So I finally decided to give ? a try on my 613 demo warlock, went in completely blind not knowing any mechanics. It was kind of a joke. Granted, warlock. I’m assuming there’s a HUGE difficulty spike between tier 1 and 2?

I do agree money should not be the most important thing to you. But I also don’t think WOW goodness should be. That was mainly my point. You I was being pointed, and probably unfair. But the point remains making Zekvir difficult is not what I consider fun.