Zekvir hard mode

Hi all. Ive been attempting this fight as unholy but im thinking maybe ret would be better suited.

Can anyone give me some tips for clearing Zekvir ?? as ret?

Save your burst for the egg. Kick the heal. You can trust brann to dispel the debuff or use freedom to dispel it yourself.

If you can reliably kill the egg every time then you have 80% of the encounter solved

Be careful with brann and your positioning as he will leap to you causin zekvkr to aim his cone at you. Beware of walls as zekvir can throw the aoe and fear and trap you in a wall and that can be dangerous

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Ret has counters to every ability, it just boils down to not messing anything up for about 10 minutes.

  • Have brann as a healer with the arrowhead and amorphous.
  • Step on one potion whenever your health gets below 50%, keep aware of where the other two potions are and get near them. You only really take damage half the time when there isn’t some cast happening so it’s pretty manageable.
  • Hit freedom before she does the slow and you will be immune to it, easier than waiting for it to hit you.
  • Change your freedom key to a macro that targets brann for it with the talent to also get the benefit
  • Have a macro to target and interrupt her then go back to your previous target
  • Throw brann a word of glory if his health gets low. He will rez after a bit but during phase 2 it’s better to have his potions than to have him dead then back at low hp. He doesn’t need much healing but a single one here and there seems to help.
  • Spec into radiant glory and save your wake of ashes for the eggs and only the eggs. You’ll have wings for every egg and be able to kill it reliably.
  • You’ll figure out after a bit the timing of his abilities, but pretty much don’t stand in anything and don’t panic.
  • Should go without saying, but when there’s an egg on something that is going to kill you, prioritize getting out of the thing that will kill you first. Ret has pretty good range for a melee and most of the time you will still kill it even if you had to run.
  • Save lay on hands, bubble and divine steed as oh sht buttons.

Don’t be afraid to spend your holy power on heals for yourself or Brann and don’t let him get a heal off as you run out to dps the egg. Interrupt the heal, freedom the slow, only use wake (with radiant glory) on the egg. A focus kick macro is always a nice thing so you don’t accidentally kick the egg. Take a look at your talents and don’t roll in there with a M+ build or something.

#showtooltip Rebuke
/cast [target=focus, exists, harm] Rebuke ; Rebuke


Thanks everyone, very helpful tips

Some good tips here.

I don’t recommend this. Brann is not reliable. imo pre-immuning with freedom is the best strategy.

This is a critical thing for ret that I don’t think people talk about enough. You want to be in a place where you have enough burst DPS you don’t need to run to the egg immediately in order to get it down. If you have DBM, it’s wise to wait a few seconds (I’d say 4, max) and watch his timers while you’re close to him, let him do the next big AoE in his rotation, then run to the egg.

If he takes more than 4 seconds, odds are good that he’ll cast while you’re early in your run for the egg and the positioning won’t be dire.

Since the main way to do this is via focus target, I don’t recommend you do this. Brann has a high chance of dying, and when he resurrects it is technically a different Brann, who loses focus target. I went with this strategy initially and it just added too much to my plate to be as effective as the other way around. The focus interrupt macro is ultimately more helpful imo and ret has abundant self-healing if necessary.

When you self-cast, Brann is likely to get the benefit randomly anyway as long as you have the appropriate talent. Don’t be afraid to support Brann when you can but he is ultimately expendable.

Templar’s extra burst damage as well as burst of speed from unrelenting charger is probably more helpful for dealing with painful AoE placement than Herald’s extra self-healing if you have some potions with you but it’s pretty toss-up.

Me neither. Wanna know somethinf funny? I didnt know you could freedom the debuff. I was using freedom to quickly move to egg or avoid zekvirs cone or bad rng with his fear near walls. And I was 100% relying on brann to dispel me and that was miserable. I actually got zekvir to like 10% before I died to something stupid by relying purely on brann dispeling me. Yea I was that dumb until I found out you could freedom the debuff then next try he was 100% dead and was a breeze.

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I am not nearly that good, but my attempts did dramatically improve once I learned freedom handled the debuff.

Can’t you just include a macro to target Brann, set Brann as the focus, target last target?

I’m not super proficient with macros, but something along the lines of:

/tar Brann

Then you can just set most of your needed macros to target your focus, while having CC macros to tarket Zekvir specifically.

I’m apparently hot garbage at this. I seem to have to get the egg and always get a regenerating carapace cast when I’m all the way across the room with a melee range interrupt.

I did it with the mad queens mandate trinket. You can use it while moving and if the egg is half dead it will kill it instantly. Super helpful if you cant get into melee range.

At best you’re still having to hot swap who your focus target is during the fight. At that point I’m not sure you’re saving cognitive load over actually doing a target swap.

Killing the egg is rarely the problem. It’s getting back to the boss to interrupt.

Do you have DBM? It takes some practice managing the timers but it helps a lot to get a sense of what is likely to happen soon.

Yes. I’ve also been watching a ton of videos and I just can’t seem to get the same damage out even at the same ilvl. So I inevitably end up with a heal I can’t interrupt in time and wipe. Like I said, I’m hot garbage.

So am I. You can get better and do this. It took me two weeks of very staggered out practice just to get normal mode. :slight_smile: Take breaks, even for days, as needed.