Zekvir fight

I am not talking about the ?? version, just the easier one. I struggle with that one.


Given that I struggle with Zekky popping up in regular delves I’m not optimistic about even defeating the welcome mat boss to get to him.


take your time, on single ? the egg and interrupting one thing are all that matter

just dodge the frontals, and dps as normal

Also the ? Zekvir doesn’t drop a mount schematic.

Gave up myself, the challenge is just too stupid. Get him close but because I use a ret pally the odds I will run into a lose lose situation is high. Melee interrupt makes it hard to interrupt heals while trying to take out add. Not to menton his two cone attacks that he likes to place on that same add. At this point it has little to do with skill and more to do with luck. I do not call that a challenge, just a wall for those that cannot do it 100 times a day to get that 1 lucky pull.

Woah I didn’t even think to check for the existence of something like this, and I am a huge data nerd. Thank you!!

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He follows you? So you bring him over to the egg, and interrupt his cast timer and go back to dps’ing the egg

Or worst comes to worst you can just leave the egg to do the interrupt then come back to it. Paladin has enough range on their damage abilities that you won’t have much downtime and if a horse is ready then it’s not even a tight window. At normal ilvls you have more than enough damage to let the eggs cook for a couple seconds.

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All the evidence points to this being verifiably false.

The fight is definitely doable. But you are exaggerating at the highest level about the multiple reasons why this fight is terribly designed in the first place.

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I feel for you, and I do agree the fight has a significant amount of RNG involved that makes it very frustrating; but Ret Paladin is genuinely THE best and easiest spec to do this fight in. Perhaps you need help with the right talent choices. But Retribution paladin completely eliminates 2 of the most difficult aspects of the fight, handling the poison, and bursting the add.

And what evidence is this pray tell? My evidence is I’ve beaten the fight as one of the worst specs I’d argue for it.

It is literally okay that not everything in the game is something you can easily achieve. Stop trying to bring things down to whatever level you are and rise up to it.

RNG won’t be the reason you don’t get it in an hour.

I do think 99.9% is hyperbolic though.

Little more than the top 1%, data for azeroth has it at like 3%, but it also has it listed that only around 60% of the players have hit lvl80.

Still rarish though.