Zekvir fight

I know that a lot of people have completed this, but it feels bad to not be able defeat him because of physical limitations. I get along just fine in most things in this game, but Zekvir is one that I just can’t seem to move and cast off spells fast enough because of my limitations.
Brann really needs to have a tank spec for this to take the hits and keep his aggro.
I feel like this fight is NOT made for the casual player at all. But only for those who have the physical and mental abilities of youth and health.
Many of us already know that there is plenty in the game that we can not do, but to have something made for us casual players to be this difficult, sucks. Especially tied to an achievement that is only available for a short time.
I am asking for some minor changes to help those of us that are not physically capable of moving that quickly anymore.


I’m not familiar with mage, but what put me over the top (as elemental shaman) was the Thundering Paws talent, that lets me shift to ghost wolf to remove the debuff if I miss an interrupt. Other than that…this is a fight where you take your time and don’t rush. DBM will tell you when the debuff cast starts.

The only time where you have to pump out damage quickly is to kill the egg before it hatches, that’s when you should use cooldowns. The fight is not easy…I had to be around 603 ilvl before I could beat it. According to Icy Veins, you have talents that can make Blink and barriers both remove the debuff.

You can also make a macro that will target the egg, and if it’s not up, target Zekvir.

/targetexact Egg Cocoon
/targetexact [noexists] Zekvir


It’s not - it’s meant for people to push their limits. Sorry to hear about your limitation, but I don’t think removing challenging content for the rest of the player base is the solution here.

If you have any suggestions that might make the fight more accessible without removing difficulty or mechanics, then by all means - make those suggestions :slight_smile:


It can be done…I was struggling until I took the Thundering Paws talent (so that Ghost Wolf would remove the debuff if I missed an interrupt).

Interrupts are not always enough, especially if a class has a longer interrupt cooldown. So you also need a way to remove the debuff from yourself.

Not all challenges are meant for everyone.

I barely finished the Mage Tower when it was current. And only on two specs for one class. Even at the end, the very last day, it was still really difficult for me on my Resto Druid.

We all have ceilings due to our own limitations or skill or time, etc. Zekvir is meant to be an end game challenge.


He’s getting one in S2.


But can you still earn the achievement for the mount then? Killing him is the last thing that I need for that achievement, that is what makes it so frustrating, to be so close and yet having this in the way. Sucks to work so hard toward a goal and then have something like this be in the way, especially because it comes down to being able to be physically fast enough to move and get your spells off.

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You won’t be able to earn the achievement by the time he has a tank spec but you can potentially earn next season’s “Let me solo him” achievement.

You can’t.

Let Me Solo Him for Zekvir ends when S2 starts.

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Just keep practicing, you’ve still got time. Check some guides, check some builds, take friends to practice with them.


My heart was beating through my chest a mile a minute towards the end of this fight


When you said the fight isn’t made for casual players you’re right.

Delves are meant to be a new avenue for endgame, and in the same way a casual player cant just jump into a mythic raid or a Necrotic Wake +10, they’re not going to just jump into Zekvir (??).

That said, it’s still much easier to do than mythic raiding or high end keys so don’t get discouraged.

Frost mage is one of the easier specs to kill him on here’s some tips.

Make him your focus target so you can kick his heal on focus while DPSing the egg.

If you have lower gear and you’re finding it hard to finish the egg off before it hatches, weave CDs in for the egg. This is the only DPS check on the fight, if you sacrifice DPS on zekvir, it’s fine. You have all the time in the world. Just make sure you can burst the egg.

Fight him at mid range. You don’t want to be at max range where his frontal cone is 30 yds wide. Fight him close up so you can easily shimmer out. And if youre in melee just side step it and keep your shimmer for when you might need it. If you have to move far to get a poorly placed egg, alter before hand so you can get out and back into a comfortable position.


You aren’t even wrong. I was just “in the zone” until around 5% on my completion run. When I realized I was at 5% was the moment when I was like “I’m about to brick my zekvir kill just by noticing his health.”


Could be worse, trying it as Holy/Disc and Zekvir is about to heal himself but Brann’s AI decides to make an oopsie and doesn’t kick at 36% health left.

Rerolled Fire Mage and blasted him instead after that. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I think I did about 20 attempts as disc before just going shadow and speccing for 30s silence. I ain’t about that. I just wanted him down.

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Ok I have not completed this yet but yes, this is NOT made for casual players that is very very obvious. Not sure where you got the impression it was casual focused.

Also raising ilevel for me made a huge difference on my evoker.

No caps on crests now so upgrading gear can def help.

410 ilevel struggled.

425? 1 shot.


I feel like you might be a few hundred ilvl off here.

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Did it on my Warrior this month to see how it was like as melee. Colossus Smash nukes the eggs so fast lol.

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I assumed 610/625. lol