Zekvir Enfeebling Spittle triggers immune instead of deflect for Spell Reflect

I don’t recall if Zekvir’s ambush version casts this spell, but in Zekvir’s Lair if you cast Spell Reflection for the Enfeebling Spittle ability, the spell will be immuned instead of deflected. Deflect is the normal combat event where the spell is prevented on the target but is not reflected back to the caster.

The reason this kind of matters is because the immune event does not play the reflect/deflect sound cue, so it’s harder to know whether it was successful aside from looking at your debuffs after the fact. I can’t think of any other scenario where immune was used instead of deflect for Spell Reflection.

i think its freaking garbage that this doens’t work. This is a very very valid and essential part of prot warrior’s toolkit. I think it’s pretty stupid to have this boss “cheat” this way.

I mean, it’s clear they intended it to not be reflectable, so in the event they look at this bug they will change it to deflect.

I agree though that it’s a part of class flavor which should be allowed in a solo challenge.

I can explain why spell reflect will not apply the debuff to Zekvir.

The enfeebling spittle spell is primarily and foremost a slow effect. If the target of the enfeebling spittle is immune to movement impairing effects, then the debuff cannot be applied to the target.

As a practical example, I’d like to use paladin to illustrate this point. Enfeebling spittle will not apply a debuff to the paladin if blessing of freedom is active because the paladin is immune to roots and snares.

So Zekvir, as a boss mob, is immune to roots and snares: you cannot apply the debuff to him

While true, this isn’t actually what is happening in the game context in this case. We are immuning the spell if Spell Reflect is active, so there is never a reflection-attempted immune spell on the boss.

The end result is the same, yes?

The debuff does not get applied to you because you have spell reflect active and your spell reflect does no damage to Zekvir.

Not sure what the issue is

The issue is we don’t get an audio cue that a deflect happened. I did imply it’s minor by “kind of matters”, but it is nonetheless a bug since no other spell in the game does this when Reflect can block it but it isn’t intended to go back to the caster.

The issue is that we’re not getting any kind of immunity from it when using either Spell Reflect or Spell Block. That’s the problem.

My issue however, is that the Enfeebling Spittle isn’t really an issue for prot warriors. We can Avatar out of the slow if we really wanted to (which is kinda meh…) or we can just heroic leap out of any cone slam or fear AoE so the slow isn’t really a problem. Also, is ther is a dot mechanic to that spittle, I’m not feeling it …

I’m having a problem with Spell Reflect and Spell Block NOT working on “web blast” from the spiders. THat is some straight-up BS. That is a single-target nuke with a stun component. We have to be in melee range to interupt and frankly, Storm Bolt’s CD is too long to just spam that on the spider to ensure we’re not hit with that ability from a distance. SR and SB NEED TO WORK on those abilties or there is some design failure going on in that encounter that needs to be addressed. I’m fine with the spider not getting stunned by his own web blast/bolt (even though I think he should), but getting hit with the nuke + the stun when I had either SR or SB active = design fail.

These two abilities work completely differently; Spell Block never provides any kind of actual or pseudo immunity. Spell Reflect, meanwhile, does trigger an “Immune” message in the combat log to Enfeebling Spittle when it should be triggering a “Deflect” if they intend for us to not reflect the DoT back to the boss.

The spiders on Zekvir? They aren’t intended to be spawned, so the stun is probably part of the punishment.

they will get spawned if your’e doing this as a tank, at least in our gear levels now. So keeping them from casting “web blast” is the key to surviving this. Plus to be honest, they have like a 1/3 of the HP as their actual egg so they usually aren’t up that long if you actually blow THEM up.
Enfeebling Spittle…if it has a dot …I am not feeling it so I’m not really complaining about that. Web Blast absolutely should be reflectable or blockable.