Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - September 26

These changes feel great so far.

Glad the devs are still monitoring and tuning delves to ensure all classes/specs can participate.


Does not help when the cocoon spawns off screen.

Do more damage, fight ends faster, fewer mechanics to dodge throughout the fight, therefore fewer chances to die.

If you do less damage, you have to be more consistent with sustaining yourself and dodging mechanics. If you do more damage, you have fewer opportunities to fail.

Seems reasonable to me. Hard DPS checks with an extremely tight burst window just wipe a lot of specs from the board in general.


W/e I hope the next one they make is different.

Glad I got it before this all came in.

They tripled the cocoon spawn animation to give you time to look for it, shouldn’t really be a problem either.

The ?? or the ?

Hard mode. Got it on Sunday last week.

Yeah, hopefully next time they don’t include a DPS burst check to begin with.

Solo or in party?

Any chance of making DPS brann viable again?

The only sensible choice currently is setting him to heals, so he actually contributes SOMETHING. And that’s not much of a choice.

Yeah I get that. I have had several attempts where I see the animation and go over to it and no cocoon. Then after the hatch time elapses a spider appears. No warning.

Solo, I don’t even know what the tuning as you add more party members is. Since you only get the mount from doing it solo I hadn’t really seen anyone try doing it as a group.

Did it as a 615~ Shadow Priest.

Got ya. Was curious if you had any logs or anything a person could glance at to see how you did it. If not it’s all good was just curious.

Gonna try it here in a little bit lol

I didn’t record it but thankfully of the three of us who did it that day on SP, one of us did.


Got ya I’m watching it now. TY!

So, it was some kind of delay. The boss does its animation and the web thing shoots out. I go to it, the white thing shoots into the air, and a no cocoon appears, so I ran away because the fear thing. Then I see the cocoon appear where it should have a couple seconds earlier. Whatever, I killed it I do not have to go back there.

It is still impossible in ?-? mode at least as a tank. You need to nerf the egg health not just the spawning hatching time.

Also Zekvir still doing his cone where the egg spawned.

They did, 11mil down to 7.8mil.

Fight needs separate tuning for tanks and healers, nerf the egg any more for dps and it may as well not be there.

I just tried as shadow. Got ? in like 30 minutes of attempts but can’t kill the egg in ??. I just suck at shadow. :frowning: Plus don’t even have good dps trinkets.