I thought Frost Dk was supposedly one of the easiest ones to do Zek’vir on hard mode with, and that was pre-nerf. On the other hand, I’m struggling. I’m very slow and can’t get the eggs down without my cooldownd, the Deathrbringer CD, the name escapes me, and pillar. Ilevel is 585. What should I do?
I haven’t tried this as Frost yet but save AMS for the spider’s Web Blast cast in case it hatches. You can also spec into the Coldthirst talent as a last resort but its still risky to use that on a cast that isn’t Zekvir’s Carapace heal.
Definitely need to work on your ilvl though, this is playing a huge factor as to why its so difficult for you. Food buff, flask, augment rune, Frost is also (imo) not the easier spec to achieve this on due to the flexibility of clawing shadows in the second phase.
Pretty sure you need that for every other spittle. However, Brann doesn’t always dispel it. Not sure what to do when he doesn’t.
I tried Coldthirst. You still can’t interrupt every single cast he does.
Idk, people have done it with less, I think. Also do runes even stack with all that other stuff?
Use AMS to dodge the spit. You will not be able to use it for every single one, Brann should dispel. Save cooldowns for the add, every single time. Using them on Zek’vir will get you killed. I preferred using Rider of the Apocalypse for this fight for the added mobility.
Healer Brann, Porcelain Arrow Head + Amorphous Relic.
There are going to be times when his frontal will get aimed directly at the add if you run at it as it spawns. At the time I completed this I was able to tank a hit of that with Icebound fortitude but it’s probably better to simply learn the fight well enough to point the cleave away from add spawn. I was maybe ilvl 612
It’s a slow grind fight.
You don’t. I’ve completely ignored spittle every time I’ve downed Zek on ??.
The point of Cold Thirst isn’t to use it every time. Its to use it against web blast if your AMS and Icebound Fortitude is on cooldown to stop “Web Blast” from stunning you. And hope that Mind Freeze is off cd again by the time Zek casts Carapace. Its a last resort option.
Within the first 2 weeks some specs were able to do ?? as a low ilvl, but then they nerfed Brann which was essential for doing that before the hotfix.
In what way did you ignore it? The thing does massive damage. I could be wrong but idk if outgearing it so much will save you.
Well, you miss out on Reaper’s Mark doing that, which is a ton of burst dps lost for the eggs.
maybe get your ilvl up to 600+ first. Try getting set, try enchants on all gear. But overall, it’s just mechanics and bursting the add. Learn the mechanics, interrupt the heal, burst the add. Profit
I ignored it by not responding to it. Between all the passives death knights get, especially from Rider, and how good death strike is in PvE its just a mild inconvenience that usually goes away on its own within the first 10 seconds.
I completed it for the first time at around ilvl 600ish and did it again a week ago at 611. I don’t know what’s considered over geared for this but I think 611 is fair.
Since your main issue is not having the dps to down the cocoon, and you can’t survive Spittle without AMS (the solution for not being able to kill the cocoon on time), then its something you’ll need more gear to accomplish.