Zek Double ? Rng sucks

I’ve been watching videos on soloing this and I can’t seem to get it. If he spawns the adds in the middle of the room with him, no problem. However, he inevitably seems to spawn them in corners on my attempts which results in me getting trapped in an inescapable fear or frontal. What am I doing wrong?

I know what you are talking about.

See if you can dps the egg from range and dont instantly charge towards the egg so he aims the cone to you on your way there. I know branm can also drag the cone to you when he leaps near you.

You might be a little low to do it.
I think the recommended is 616 and you’re 613.

I think I was over the recommended gear by like 6 point when I did it.

Didn’t really read anything on it.
Took me 6 tries, 1-2 to figure out I could freedom the debuff and focus on kicking the heal.

And then 4 tries executing properly ( I had 2 of those 4 tries where I blundered my kick on the debuff because seeing a cast bar was triggering me).

I was cutting it close on the add but I was always in range to hit it with FV and the rest.
Admittedly I wasn’t using Wake or HoL on it because I wanted to kill the boss faster.

But if you go for an attrition fight at your gear level, that might be what you need to do.
The fight is gonna last a long time though…

Thank you both for the input. I’m stuck pugging so gear isn’t going to get much better anytime soon. I’ve been saving wake for the egg which is why it’s really nice when he spawns it in the middle of the room. Nice to hit both of them with it.

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