Zarhym Interaction Issue

Originally was able to interact with Zarhym, but my pets weren’t strong enough when battling Jeremy Feasel . I left and came back, but now I’m unable to interact with Zarhym or see Jeremy Feasel.


If you complete the Zahrym Altogether quest by looting Zahrym’s body, you leave the event and incur a one-day cooldown before you can enter the event phase again.

AFAIK, that’s the only way I know of to lock yourself out of the event phase. But maybe you’ve discovered another.

I was knocked out of the spirit realm via the stupid witches, and I am also now locked out after only 1 interaction.

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Wish I would’ve looked this up before carelessly running back to refresh the buff at 1min


Same thing happened to me. I couldn’t beat him because one of my pets died straight away… Left to go get the wicker pup, when I came back, I couldn’t interact with Zarhym :confused:

Yep! Zarhym now cannot be interacted with after going to farm last secret pet. I’ll wait until tomorrow and report back!

Edit: Yes, I did return to Ratt’s Race and attempt to reset by using the brazier. I clicked it quite a few times and also relogged a couple times just to make sure.

EDIT: Logged in 3 hours later and dialogue was available with Zarhym. Made it to Feasel and all else worked. Good Luck!

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In the Karazhan Catacombs, down the stairs, right-hand side there’s a Ghostly Brazzier.
Click on it and will reset your cool down to see Zarhm

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Doesn’t work if it’s bugged… watching my friend stream, he went back to Ratts 3 times refreshing ghostly brazier and immediately came back and is still locked out, using torch, idol and goggles., and without ever interacting with loot in the cave.


Am I suppose to get a chat message or something to let me know it worked?

Been back multiple times, logging in and out, click the brazier, see the magnifying glass pop up, go back to zarhym, cant interract with him, go back to ratts revenge, click brazier, see magnifying glass pop up, go back to zarhym, still cant talk to go, back to karazhan repeat.

Same issue here. Ghostly brazier is not resetting. Back and forth 3 times and a no go.

Sad thing is that I beat him in the pet battle and he was standing there with the quest icon over him and I moved to get closer to him get the quest but as soon as I moved I got booted from the spirit realm. :frowning:

EDIT: I logged out for about and hour and when I came back I was able to talk to Zarhym again and when I got to Feasel, the quest was still there so I did not have to fight him agan.

The brazier still isn’t working to reset Zarhym, but I logged into another toon and then right back to my main, and Zarhym was immediately able to be talked to again

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