Zaralek Caverns Completely Abandoned

God I hated that event.

Wasted so much time farming that stupid mount that I wouldn’t have bothered if I knew we could just buy the damn thing for tenders the next month…


With 10.1.7 and more catch up gear that’ll prob be higher ilevel than time rift gear catch up it’ll prob be even more abandoned. I only go there for some world quests now after doing the story once.

I don’t think it would because a lot of the resistance seems to be about it not being solo.

Advice. Take the loss and stop while you’re ahead. But sure lets recap.

You think you are offering us valid “options” and opinions but your attitude and the way you word it is based in elitist/toxic thoughts. Read the room. Take the loss and leave the discussion.


That’s why it needs to be re-scaled, the rare nerf revoked, and rep made easier to get.

Posted about this ages ago. As you can see, there were a few responses from the usual idiots who couldn’t spot a pancake in a pancake factory. But in the end, I was proven 100% correct.

I’ve noticed with him that he offers no solutions, doesn’t address the issue, and rushes towards personal attacks.

It’s ok, I have time to spare to watch someone who’s truly toxic squirm under their own weight.

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These are not attacks lol.

You forgot to include how they addresed me to get the response i gave.

Nice try, but huge fail.

Attacks? Or pointing out the pot calling the kettle black?

They gave back what you gave them. Remember that old adage, something about reaping what you sow. Reap it.


You’re saying they’re not?

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Yeah I don’t get why they can’t buff the ilevel from these zones tbh. Bring it all up to Time Rift ilevel. It’d help with the lag from Time Rifts, increase the rare spawns to help farm flight stones, and maybe help people with rep some.

The purpose of ZC was to be a big cave to fly through to get to the raid instance. Blizzard was caught off guard by the fact that people were stopping along the way.

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nervously checks to see if I responded

Well, join up with all the solo players. …oh wait…they don’t exist :rofl::rofl:

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I don’t need anything out there. If there were better rewards sure but… gear i dont need i have a few mounts but rest are recolors.

I have the hat obviously and title. Maybe some dragon riding motives maybe? Idk

I must be rare cause I do go through there as a solo player and there are a few others around.

I went in, did the dragon-riding dailies to get all the customization, did the story to unlock the slitherdrake & Abberus, and it’s been dead content to me ever since.

I’ve made multiple alts already so farming renown is a dead activity for me from the get-go.

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TIL I don’t exist