Camping Karokta or any of the Zaralek rares is already miserable due to the “predictable-but-not-intuitive-or-consistent-with-any-other-zone-twice-weekly-kinda” mechanics, but now we also have to deal with sharding insanity.
The theory is simple: check spreadsheet, zone into Zaralek, sit and wait for ~50-75 minutes, kill Karokta, repeat on alt. But then you sit there for 8 hours and there is no Karokta. Why?
Well, either you didn’t check the spreadsheet, or you were re-org’d into different shards several times. I’ve been “sharded” 30+ times in a 2 hour period. When this happens, you take on the “uptime” of whatever shard you were merged into. I’ve even seen Karokta spawn and get sharded in between the notification and the spawn. I’ve actively been KILLING a mob and had the mob go poof because of shard merges.
Example 1: http s://
Example 2: http s://
(remove space to complete URL)
Tin-foil hat: I think this is due to the massive number of unchecked bots in this zone. Want to do an experiment? Find any ore or herb node on a populated server in Zaralek. Sit there and wait for 0.5 seconds, and you’ll start to see a steady stream of druids and other classes without guilds, with jibberish names, swooping in on their mount 3, 4, 5 characters at a time overlapped, taking the exact same flying routes in and out of the node. I think the sheer quanity of bots is causing these merges to happen so frequently.
Either way, Blizz, you need to change something here. Other than the bots and the people camping the research event or rares, the zone is dead. Toast. Kaput. There is no reason why we should be merging shards every 20 minutes.
This is absolutely out of control and I wish they would fix it but I doubt they will allocate any resources to it. Afterall they have a busted Hearthstone event to oversee =P. J/K,Blizz but seriously this needs addressed.
I can confirm that the issue is still ongoing. We keep getting switch to an other shard at random without doing anything while camping rare in Zaralek Cavern.
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Just a fun demonstration of how farming this mob is going…today immediately after reset i got 3 consecutive kills at 11:00am, 12:00pm, 1:00pm…ish…and then i started on my 4th alt
1:13pm began waiting for respawn…zone sharded me at 2:01pm to a shard less than 5 minutes old
2:01pm began waiting for respawn again…zone sharded me at 2:49pm again to a brand new shard
2:49pm began waiting for respawn again…zone sharded me at 3:42pm to a brand new shard
4:42pm began waiting for respawn again…zone sharded me at 5:55pm to a brand new shard
5:55pm began waiting for a respawn again…zone sharded me at 7:08pm to a brand new shard
**just some notes…who gets sharded seems completely random and has no correlation to how long youve been in Zaralek…by keeping track of the /who in the zone for my faction i can kinda judge how long someone has been there in comparison to me…sometimes i got sharded first…sometimes they did…sometimes we both did…unless maybe your shard position is based on when you entered it regardless of whether you’ve logged in and out…
**also…it doesn’t take many people in the zone to shard…i’ve had an alliance and horde character on the same shard at the same time…and when i checked there was less than 50 people in the entire zone between before we got yeeted to a new shard
**Being afk/active doesn’t make a difference…i’ve been afk watching my screen while i do paperwork and get sharded…i’ve been active the entire time messing around and still get sharded
**It also seems to get worse as the day goes on…i have consistent success in the morning/early afternoon and have an exceedingly harder time at night…i’ve even tried very very late night to see if maybe its because of a higher volume of people are playing in the evening causes it…but still extremely hard to catch a spawn at 3, 4, 5 am est.
Between myself and people grouped with me i have seen 3 drop out of 437 attempts. Not like everyone wasn’t aware of exactly how infuriating this rare/phenomena is. Just documenting to keep myself from going insane. GL out there.
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yup, started doing the Karokta mount farm myself recently and finding it…essentially impossible. I get sharded every xyz minutes. Any kills I manage to get of the mob are just completely random luck.
I wish they still tested this game and didn’t get stuff to 85% and consider it good enough 
Absolutely frustrating, this is terrible we should have an option to turn this off. It’s a game feature guys. Just another carrot on the stick.
This is still happening, and worst of all, it also happens when you enter combat. Twice in one day, I was killing different rares and got shared with no rares up at all…
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I am also having this issue, I keep trying to do the event and I got sharded at 10/12 only to be put on an empty shard. Tried again later and sharded again while doing the event. Not going to waste my time with it any more but I would like to get my rep from it.
Just watched Karokta spawn and instantly get sharded. Feels great.
EDIT: Just phased to a different shard right as I was about to fight the last boss in Researchers Under Fire and lost out on the end bag too. Feels REAL great.
Honestly, I think the worst part of it is they can’t even take the time to put a post out acknowledging things aren’t working correctly.
Sharding during Superbloom, sharding making Seeds go poof, sharding making the Fyrakk Disciple bar drop RIGHT TO 0% from 100% (wasting my time I spent filling the damn bar), sharding making Aurostar vanish DURING combat; this is really messing with my enjoyment of your game.
SUPER tired of camping this guy for an hour, getting the alert, 20 people flying in and getting sharded to a fresh zone and the mobs have 1 minute uptimes.
The shard issue is huge! TWICE I was working on completing a hunt ALONE through all six steps. On the final step I get sharded so I had to start over. TWICE!