Zaralek Cavern Rares

I’m curious if I’m just not understanding how rare spawns in Zaralek Caverns work as of 10.2.6, or if they may be bugged. I’ve been sitting at the spawn point for Aquifon for about an hour and change, and NO rare spawn has appeared in this time.

Several Events have spawned and played out, a lot of them have spawned twice. Loamm is the “Inactive” Zone, per the spreadsheet, but regardless of that, it just seems odd that over the course of about 75 mins, not a single rare has spawned anywhere in the zone.

Just wanted to mention this and see if this is a misunderstanding on my part due to how overly complicated this zone is, or if rares are bugged, and just not spawning maybe?

They will only spawn if there is a world quest active in that area… if no world quest, check back later after quests reset to see if there will be one. It is a weird condition they added to this zone.

Yeah, that’s what I had read, and there is actually a WQ right on top of the rare that I had been camping, maybe I just didn’t give it enough time, but it just seemed odd to me that not a single rare spawned anywhere in the entire zone in ~75 mins. (And by zone, I mean all of Zaralek, not just one of the “Sub-Zones”)

He does not spawn every day. There is a rotation of sorts, check here

They really made it harder than it needs to be.


Yeah, this was what I had read - I don’t know, maybe I was just on a bugged shard or something, but I’m not saying that “My Rare” didn’t spawn in that time, I’m saying that no rare spawn anywhere in Zaralek Caverns spawned - only the events. Was just wondering if that is a bug, or another quirk of the zone.

UPDATE: Alright, I do think I just ended up on a bogus shard that wasn’t spawning rares for some reason, came back today, and they seem to be popping up at a fairly good pace!

Blizzard that post was last November. Please stick to your promise of “soon”