Za'Qul fight & Shadow

What’s the deal with the Za’Qul fight? It seems only SOME shadow priests benefit from the Delirium buff while others are completely unaffected by the delirium buff. What’s up with that? How is it possible that a Shadow Priests dps isn’t affected by the Delirium buff? Someone please explain, I’m all ears.

Uh what? Do you mean some shadow priests don’t go in the Delirium Realm and some do?

Anyone who goes in, regardless of class, gets the buff. Anyone who doesn’t does not. If you are in, you have the buff and so any damage you do is then scaled on skill and gear as per normal.

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Everyone who goes in is effected? Most people choose shadow priests to go in because they can last the longest with vampiric embrace and the mega haste

Sorry I forgot I posted this. Myself and another Priest did not see the massive dps increase that the other 4 shadow priests in our raid group saw and none of us could figure out why. We all were using Misery and AS. All had the same Heart of Azeroth Essences. We talked about rotation and trinkets with each other and although there were slight variations between the favored trinkets we all were using the same variations. Rotation was the same; dotting everything>void>blast…

Is there a super top secret dance and twirl that the two of us don’t know about?

The 4 priests that rode the wave saw a 20 to 25k dps increase while me and the other Priest only saw a 5k increase. The one difference that I can think if is that I had blue essences (now they are purple) but I didn’t think to check theirs. Would that be the difference?

If you had logs we could see if you actually went into delirium. I can only guess that you didn’t. It’s a confusing fight at first with there being the normal realm you start in, the delirium realm, and the shadow/fear realm in the last phase.

You enter delirium by standing in orange void zones for about 5 seconds. You get phased in and everything is orange, you get a haste buff, a stacking dot, anyone down there is hostile to each other, and there are constant spawning tentacles to avoid. If none of this is ringing a bell you probably never went to delirium. You might be thinking of the shadow/fear realm in the last phase where you use an action button to enter/exit.

Also there are only so many available delirium void zone spawns. Not everyone is going to get to go down.

How did you and 4 other people go into the realm? Only 3 can be in there, you must be thinking of the last phase realm

Two groups of 3 spriests.

This is not the same raid but this is from today. Dallua is my priest.
I’m having a really hard time linking. It’s warcraftlogs


One suggestion is that the guilds where Priests are parsing high is they are using hero during the delirium phase but I want to make sure it’s not me doing something wrong.

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You were only in it very briefly. You must have “died” down there and that kicks you out to normal. You only get the haste buff as long as you’re in delirium.

The hunter and mage were in the longest and it shows on the damage done. The other SP was in a lot longer as well but he died near the end so he dropped off.

Couple of tips though:

  1. BiS traits are 3x chrorus of insanity and 2x spiteful apparitions. You have 2x and 3x which is fine but the talent Auspcious spirits is kind of wonky in that your shadowy apparitions will actually do less damage if you’re talented into it and have 3x spiteful apparations. In that case, shadow crash would be your preferred talent until you get your best in slot azerite. At 2x spiteful apparations it’s about even and you can take either talent but you’ll see a lot of SP take shadow crash this tier. Test your spirits damage on a target dummy though with and then without the talent. I’m only relaying what i’ve read.

  2. You want to use your lucid dreams at around 20 stacks of void form or when you struggle to stay over 50 energy so that you can push into higher void form stacks which = more haste and more crit. If you’re in a fight where they bloodlust off the bat then you can wait until about 30 stacks. You should be able to get 40+ stacks easily with lucid. In your log, for example, you used your 1st lucid after your first VF ended. Then near the end of the fight you also used it at the beginning of a VF.

  3. You want to use your cyclotronic blast AFTER your first VF ends because you’ll end it with a bunch of crit and that trinket CAN crit. You actually ideally want to use it when you’ve just entered your 2nd void form, because you want to waste as less time as possible in not void form. It’s also very nice if you can time to use that trinket after a lucid dream void form (meaning big stacks)

  4. Our potion of choice this tier is unbridled fury, not int pots.

  5. Your void bolt cast was a little low. It should ideally be cast on CD to help you stay in void form longer and extend the length of the dots on your target. You want to weave your dots into your rotation instead of spamming it on everything once the adds pop up because that seems like the natural thing to do. You had a lot of short void forms though like > 20 stacks like in particular there’s one where you were casting VB a lot but then the adds came up and at the 15ish stack mark you started spamming your dots and that doesn’t give you enough insanity to stay in void form, which means less stacks which means less haste and crit. You’d want to like VB -> dot -> dot -> VB.

If you work on staying in void form longer and getting back into void form faster then all of your spells will just do more damage. It doesn’t look like you’re really screwing up but working on that and trying to get a 3rd chorus of insanity will do wonders.

I know this isn’t what you asked for but you should be able to do much more damage on that add heavy fight even if you never went into delirium. I’d know because in my guild it’s just a free for all to get in there lol

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You’re right. It is exactly what I asked for. I know about Shadow Crash and can’t remember why I wasn’t running it, I switched for some reason and didn’t switch back even though I have Codex in my bags. I make these kinds of mistakes a lot lol. I’d like to blame it on my age but the truth is I do like passive traits.

I’ve been trying all xpac to get the right Azerite gear. It’s crazy that we have so many items to choose from but so few of them actually have the right traits. I’m saving for the 200k piece, only 170k more needed… que next xpac.

The rest I’ll have to practice as I go. There’s a lot of old, ingrained habits here. I’ve been playing my Priest since 2008 and my first instinct is to dot - dot - dot even though I know the dps is slower in situations like this. I think my thinking is that if I can keep enough dots up, I can sustain until I can regain focus on boss at whichpoint I start the rotation - but as you pointed out, it’s too late.

Thank you for that!

Came to post a reply and saw Primative beat me to the point that you were only in the Delirium realm very briefly. So nevermind my response.

However a point in response to the AS/SC debate…

To be fair, Shadow Crash does not come out ahead of AS by very much, and that’s only if you are hitting it consistently. The reality is that AS will come out ahead for many Spriests on certain fights because of the difficulties a ground targeted slow travel spell can have (In terms of skill of placement/timing, design of the spell/fight, and luck).

Keep this in mind. Also, Sim yourself as, depending on your stats and traits, it may actually come out behind AS anyway.

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Well to start if you have that many spriests you probably won’t pull the crazy numbers there because, well, that’s a lot of spriests in delirium and the adds are going to get melted. Adds melted = less targets that you use for healing (your vampiric touch healing adds up to quite a lot). And less healing = you stay down there not as long.

It’ll still work well for your raid if all of you are pumping in good boss damage for decently long, but just don’t worry about pulling ridiculously high add damage or anything like that. If 3-4 spriests are down there during last phase, that’s 3-4 SW:P+VT+spirits annihilating each other’s leech effects, but you should together total perfectly good boss dmg regardless just cuz spriest scales well with the haste.

Idk if this was mentioned above, but remember that you definitely hit the insanely high haste mark in there for the 1 GCD void bolt rotation. So. Void bolt -> 1 GCD -> void bolt -> 1 GCD, and prepare for a lot of those 1 GCD’s to be mind blasts pumped into boss cause of all that haste CD reduction. This “1 GCD” should be your dotting of the adds, don’t replace the void bolt with small add DoTs cause boss dmg (insanity gen) is more important, if you can help it at least, it gets ridiculously fast paced.

Last thing… take Psychic Horror for an emergent add damage prevention, time your Fade to get adds off of you, and kite the adds very well so they do not kill you (by moving efficiently during your instant cast Void Bolt GCD’s). You’ll be generating a lot of threat on them. These things help because it’ll increase your longevity down there.

Oh, and AS will tear crash apart on this fight, and should any spread add fight too. The spirit insanity gen scales so much better with that haste. It’s still, of course, just worth its talent slot, so you’ll still see players running SCrash with high dps, it isn’t because of the talent, it’s because of comp/play.