Zandalari Trolls Way Too Strong?

Hi blizzard since you making the troll Op could i get the kul tiran racial child of the sea swapped out for another racial like throw a pie at a near by party member increasing there stamina by 25% for 15 seconds please

You can’t use them in RBG’S probably why it has a 15 min cd. I expect they will also make it so it can’t be used with a flag so I would not worry too much about this one.

Not really, the healing is nice tanks will love it but healing for 2% of the damage you take is very minor. The stun sounds good, in the real world kinda useless from the look of it. It’s not an instant stun and most of it’s duration is wasted with animation so it’s not going to be great in pvp in most situations. It also has a long CD compared to the Horde racials that also have CC effects.

KT will not be the worst race around but there is no reason for anyone to race change for an advantage outside of maybe a tank but even then I don’t think it matters.

the stun and the knockback its pretty op, and like i said, better than any other allied race the horde get except zandalar

its a crap racial honest

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Please explain how it’s OP. You can not attack during it because of the animation and it ads to stun DR so it’s not that good in pve unless your team has no stuns, and even then not for kills but more defensively. Tauren have Warstomp that’s an AOE stun on a shorter cd for one second less but can at least attack for 2/3 of it. HM Tauren also gets a short stun + movement, KT humans are literally HM Tauren but rather than moving themselves you knock the enemy back.

I’m sure any those races would still gladly trade there racial for the Orc hardiness racial.

its a 3 seconds stun and a knockback, how its not good?

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Blue post said they’re fixing it.

Did you not read the rest of my post about it? You are stuck in an animation for most of the duration so your not dpsing like in a normal stun. Plus it’s crap for most melee specs as you want them to be closer to you in most situations. I would love it in bg’s but outside of them it’s not that great.

It has to be 25% for 4 secs else it doesnt matter if it breaks. A single second of a tick is better than every defensive skill on the game and the better counter to CDs on the game with the shortest CD and can be abused to oblivion.

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You cant use goblin glinders on rated content. Literally the best comparasion of how op it is would be making goblin racial goes as far as a heroic leap can go but with a shorter CD. I dont disagree with you about kul tirans stun it can be very very effective but has an almost 3 mins CD. whereass the mega hyper countering that a single regeneratin racial has is only 1.5.

So we are eventually going to get the zandalri trolls? When’s that supposed to happen?

After the next raid, but only after we visit every troll raid in the game and beat the bosses while under rez sickness, blind folded, and while racing against a 3 minute timer - but only after we push a button that Illidan is sitting on in the Black Temple.


Ill agree the zandalri trolls racials are way better the the me it will cause a warmode and pvp imbalance even if the racials are nerfed they are just better then the kulturins.

Doubt it will be fixed, Horde racials are brokenly OP. They need to remove all buffs from both factions races that alter stats or damage or hp or give it to the alliance also since they are jipped on all racials.

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huh lol. id be impressed if that heal stays untouched. However…given blizzards track record this is going live lol. Which is again…normal.

The first 4 months this hits servers it will be a live beta version of the racial. its the best way to get valued feedback from your paying customers amiright? During that 4 months they will see a boost in race changes (still 15? 20?) and be able to monitor which parts of this racial(s) they should nerf based on how its all playing out. After those 4 months its up in the air. sometimes we get nerfed into the ground(7ft not just 6) or just a slight tink.

glider…didnt we just get a thread of a NE complaining that there is a potion that can make them go stealth in combat? saying blizzard is handing away their racials. Well…apparently that goes both ways now.

I will say EMFH was groundbreaking and it didnt change for a while. FREE DAMAGE TRINKET. (yes im aware they started buffing the pvp trinket with stats but that happened at like half time). Still believe that new DID one is pretty amazing.

I would say the dark iron dwarf racial dwarfs the dwarfs racial.

Where do people pull these numbers from?

It’d be useless for any class with a spammable heal if it only healed for 5% a second. Ex. My Prot Paladin’s Flash of Light is over 10% of his max Hp. Why wouldn’t I just use my class heals?

Dark Iron Racial is slightly stronger than other Alliance racials and still SIGNIFICANTLY weaker than the troll racial: NOPE, HAVE TO NERF IT TWICE BEFORE THE MAJORITY OF PLAYERS CAN GET IT.

Zandalari Troll racials are significantly overpowered.

Blizzard: “We’re still discussing it.”

mana FoL has a 1.5 second cast time with a 22% base mana cost. If it was 5% a second you will basically be getting off two FoL for no mana, depends on the situation if it’s worth it.

Blizz should be putting effort in to fixing the faction imbalance.
NOT making it worse by giving hordes OP racials.

For me personally, it would just stop making me play rather than faction transferring.
Don’t tell me its just PTR, because I heard enough of that during alpha and beta and here we are.

Nice to see a horde race with decent talents finally