Zandalari Trolls Way Too Strong?

Is this true or will it be fixed ???


the glider racial will make flag battlegrounds irrelevant since zandalari will just glide across the map and any arenas with height they will be able to fly across the map to self heal.


dis da zandalari mon

dino pawaaaaah :japanese_goblin:


It will go live, then when the complaints start (or Blizza, er I mean the players actually tests the ZT’s), then it will be nerfed into oblivion, with the Devs giving the usual, “It was an oversight” excuse.


It’s things like this that make the idea of walking away and not looking back easier and easier.


Embrace the loa is not “entirely broken” or “absurdly OP” like he said in the video, its to balance te other 2 garbage racials

the regen will be fixed, it will prob be like the zul’jin heal in Hots and broke by anything


You mean they didn’t consider the implications of broken/OP abilities? Business as usual isn’t it?


it will still be insane op on druids and rogues


Some of the loa racials are kinda strong because they scale and some of them stack, the glider racial will be strong in Flag type battlegrounds since it can fly them a good distance away, whilst the Regeneration racial is just too overpowered.

If these go live, then the Zandalari will make every other Horde race look handicapped.

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Ever wonder why there are NEVER OP racials that make it to live for the Alliance? ANY so called missed OP racials are always on one side and never the other?

These racials will make the OP Horde racials look as handicapped as the current OP Horde racials make the Alliance racials look Handicapped.


To many people play blood elves, horde looks like nothing red Alliance.

Give Zandalari every class but Warlocks, give them OP racials so everyone goes Zandalari.

Now only bad blood elves will be warlocks.


But that haymaker tho.


That would be a good side benefit though. The Horde might not be the pretty elf faction any longer.


Guaranteed race changing if this goes live. Pvp and PVE would be completely excluded for every other Paladin if this hits live.

You are literally forced to race change. Just insane how amateur hour this is to even make it to a PTR.


only one time, because of his huge cd, its not rly worh it when you can buy a similar effect with less cd

the kul’tirans racials are pretty strong and thematically, pretty much more op than most of the allied races the horde get but zandalari.


Those are the racials. They are about 10X stronger than Alliance racials. This is a horde race so they probably will go live. More people will transfer over to horde and blizzard will make a ton of money from race transfers as everyone changes to the FOTM. All part of the plan.


kul tiran racial and hm tauren are like the same

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This screws Horde too because it makes every other race on Horde that has Paladin completely useless. It will sideline multiple tank specs in progression without a doubt immediately and remake pvp arenas overnight.

It would be like a bomb going off in the middle of the game. Activision would make a lot of a money from race changes but lose more in the long run as people unsub.


With enough threads like this one on the G.D forums I’m sure something special is right around the corner.

Like this person posted, “It would remake the game as we know it”. The end is fast approaching us all.
/Doom!! /Armageddon!!

More ppl? Trust me there is no one left on the alliance side to switch to the dev favored faction