Zandalari Troll Paladins are an Abomination

You just build your whole argument on this NPC being proof that Zandi paladins were in vanilla.

No, I said the quests referenced them, not that he was one himself.

BE and human were allies, so no they wouldn’t.

You don’t understand the lore behind the Blood Knights… At all.

There was only ONE Elf Paladin when the Humans and High Elves were allies, he was Uther’s Pupil… Every single other BE Pally was made after they started to join the Horde at Sylvanas’ behest, and not through the teachings used by the Humans. BE Paladins were made either by siphoning energy off of a Naaru (Mu’ru), which the Humans didn’t even know existed, or through their link with the Sunwell after it was cleansed, which the Humans cannot tap into and have very little understanding of.

So yeah, how BE Paladins work is, in fact, foreign to Humans.

Tauren back story is just as dumb as the soon to be trolls. But that sun SO bright. Super lame.

Your opinion is not an objective statement, you want to think it’s dumb you go right ahead, but your opinion is not fact. As far as I’m concerned, it’s fitting with their theme, which is based on heavily on Native Americans and their mythology.


Zandalari are pretty cool, make more sense than Tauren paladins at least


But it doesn’t.

They siphoned/stole from a Naru. Yes I remember the original back story… that was later changed.

Being just one elf paladin does not mean they wouldn’t know of paladins and their faith, seeing as they have been members of the alliance for far longer a time, then they’ve been members of the horde.

Yes, I think the Tauren story is poorly and lazily written.

That would be a shaman or a druid. Not a paladin.


I’m going to enjoy playing one.


Yes, troll paladin is pretty damn stupid but they had to add another horde choice bc of kul shamans, the other horde options are probably even worse.


No it wasn’t, the only thing that was changed is that Mu’ru was originally taken against his will, they changed it to he knew it was going to happen and allowed it to for “the greater good”. The backstory of them starting out siphoning from Mu’ru never changed.

Being just one elf paladin does not mean they wouldn’t know of paladins and their faith, seeing as they have been members of the alliance for far longer a time, then they’ve been members of the horde.

Yes it does, because the Blood Knights did not exist until after they were no longer part of the Alliance… They didn’t get their Paladins abilities from faith, they got them from stealing it from a Naaru until Liadrin met A’dal, and then they got their power from the reignited Sunwell.

That would be a shaman or a druid. Not a paladin.

And if you knew a damn thing about the Tauren Paladin lore you’d know that (and even Blizzard said this) they are only called Paladins for gameplay purposes, the Sunwalkers are, in fact, a subsect of Druids.


Original story.

A change to the original story. Congratulations on making my point for me.

I am talking of the high eleves in a general sense. They would have meant Uther, Turalyon, Trion and so and so. The belief wouldn’t be foreign, as they would have seen it.

Then call them a Druid… I read the story and came to find it lazy and poorly written. It was a slapped together mess to give the horde a second choice. To be quite honest I don’t care that they add new class options for the different races, just make the story make sense and flow with the class fantasy.

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A change to the original story. Congratulations on making my point for me.

That’s not a change, it’s a continuation of the same story… They didn’t retcon them stealing power from the Naaru when the sunwell came back, it still happened.

I am talking of the high eleves in a general sense. They would have meant Uther, Turalyon, Trion and so and so. The belief wouldn’t be foreign, as they would have seen it.

We aren’t talking about the High Elves knowing about Human belief, we’re talking about Humans knowing about Blood Elf belief. Keep on topic.

I read the story and came to find it lazy and poorly written.

Good for you.


Sure. Continuation that is a better fit then change.

High elves and blood elves are the same. I have been saying the same thing in regards to them knowing Alliance paladins. Never change my talking point.

Below is the half you left out. As you aren’t really concerned with having a constructive conversation. Just look for ways to be toxic at this point.

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I have been saying the same thing in regards to them knowing Alliance paladins. Never change my talking point.

Ain’t your talking point, you might want to go re-read the thread, because I’M the one who started that topic of conversation, not you, with this statement right here:

“Yes, just like how BE and Tauren Paladins work would be foreign to a Human.”

Which makes it VERY clear that we are talking about Humans knowing about Blood Elf belief, not Blood Elves knowing about Human belief. You’re sitting here getting upset about me changing your talking point, when the talking point is in fact mine and YOU are the one trying to change it… Hypocrite.

So how about YOU never change MY talking point.

Below is the half you left out. As you aren’t really concerned with having a constructive conversation. Just look for ways to be toxic at this point.

The half I left out is unnecessary to point to the part of the post I was responding to. The point is that it’s just your opinion that the story is bad, your opinion is not a fact, and not everyone agrees with you.

You are, again, a MASSIVE hypocrite, because you’ve been doing this exact same thing, cutting off massive parts of my posts, like this one right here:

“There was only ONE Elf Paladin when the Humans and High Elves were allies, he was Uther’s Pupil… Every single other BE Pally was made after they started to join the Horde at Sylvanas’ behest, and not through the teachings used by the Humans. BE Paladins were made either by siphoning energy off of a Naaru (Mu’ru), which the Humans didn’t even know existed, or through their link with the Sunwell after it was cleansed, which the Humans cannot tap into and have very little understanding of.”

Of which you only quoted “There was only ONE Elf Paladin” and “Every single other BE Pally was made after they started to join the Horde”.

I didn’t have any problem when you did it to me, and then you have the gall to be upset when I do it? Don’t be a hypocrite.


For me, the fact that Zandalari are able to roll as Paladins doesn’t change how my character sees themself as a paladin. We’ve been to alternate universes. This - to me - is hardly a stretch.

The Light often works in mysterious ways, and the humans aren’t going to be able to know or tap into all of that potential. I think to assume we (in-game humans) can is arrogant, and reminiscent of the Scarlet Crusade.


“Yes, just like how BE and Tauren Paladins work would be foreign to a Human.”

I read this as BE not knowing of Alliance paladins and formed my talking point on a misinterpretation. You have my apologies.

It is clear that from this post that had misinterpreted your initial comment.

There is a difference in half quoting in an effort to further the conversation on that said topic and doing it in a effort to be demeaning to whom you are debating. I have in no way been a hypocrite. I don’t expect you or I to agree. But you making a point and me disagreeing with and give you a counter argument, shouldn’t be meet with an effort to be demeaning.

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But you making a point and me disagreeing with and give you a counter argument, shouldn’t be meet with an effort to be demeaning.

I haven’t done any of that.

My “good for you” was in regards to us having had the discussion already that you not liking the story is not objective, it is subjective, it is just your opinion, and you repeating your opinion over and over will not change anything.


All non human male paladins disgust me.


Your farmer John body, and 90s John Travolta haircut are an abomination.


Your opinion is the story is bad. That doesn’t mean it’s bad. I like it. I think its clever. I don’t get offended by things in a video game. Opinions don’t make the story good or bad, but the story is there, and I like it, so who comes out ahead?


And that is your opinion, to which you are entitled to. Just as I am allowed to disagree with you.

Nor do I. Just because I have a different opinion from yours, doesn’t mean I am offended.

Your right. Bad writing does. I am not against new class options for the races. I think the lore for the class options should line up with class fantasy. If you dislike that I am fine with it.



Eh? Zandalari are evil necromancers?

Arthas, Kel’Thuzad, Baron Rivendare, Instructor Chillheart, Araj, Ras Frostwhisper, Morbent Fel, the Barov family, and so many more Scourge Allied humans / Cult of the Damned members I can’t name them all. And these are just a few of the willing ones. There are plenty more. All human, or formerly.


-sees thread. Thinks. “Bet it’s another salty human Paladin”-
-opens thread.-
-was not disappointed-


When you use words like abomination, it makes it sound like your words are rooted in anger. I even said we can both have our own opinions, which you reiterated to me, for some reason, then you go on to state it is bad writing again, which it is not. You can’t say it’s bad writing, or good writing, it isn’t your place to push such things, because it is just an opinion either way, so arguing one way or another is moot. I’m pretty sure in this scenario, I come out ahead, since I like the story, and it won’t be changing.