Zandalari Tribe And Vanilla PvP Rep Tokens For Classic Timewalking!

Good News Everyone!

Zandalari Tribe rep and the Vanilla PvP Reps (WSG, AB, AV) are on the Classic Timewalking vendor! Sadly no Shen’dralar rep :frowning:

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Good now I hope we will get Shen’dralar too in the future. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


As soon as I saw the news about the tokens I scanned for Shen’dralar to my own disappointment :frowning: I still have some librams and pristine black diamonds waiting… I love the ideas of these tokens even though I only need warsong and defiler’s but I hope they add Shen’dralar too!

You can get AB rep pretty easily and quickly during Comp Stomp brawls. WSG however is still a pain (already am exalted with them).

May be redundant advice now with the tokens though.