Zandalari racials, what in the actual

The fact that it’s a “CHANNELED” spell is all I need to know. It isn’t a “Use it and forget it” spell. You can’t use it on the move, you can’t go ham and press the “heal me to full” button and forget it.

You have to actually use some co-ordination when using this spell or else other players (In P.V.P) will just interrupt it.

This outrage from the nutbags posting on the forums is hilarious to me. It’s like “well fudge, we all ran out of other stuff to be outraged about lets focus on this new thing we read about on MMO-Champ the other day”.

It will most likely be changed before it makes it to live anyways and even if it doesn’t it’s a Channeled spell that has it’s drawbacks.

/Outrage level reaching 10.
Not sure what to be outraged about next, waiting on the General Forums to help me figure it out.

it makes the horde overpowered racials looked handicapped and it makes the alliance racials look like a little spec of dust.

Your right, it makes ALL the other Horde racials look handicapped in comparison.
I mean, it’s not like it’s a shield and heal to full button, or a cast and forget it button every 1.5 minutes. I mean that would be awesome, no it’s a heal over time ability that requires the user to stand there and channel the spell.

Which obviously screams, “Go F-ing interrupt that spell” big red flag attached to it.

As per pve, yay My teammate has a heal they can channel every 1.5 minutes which helps remove the load off the healers some, good for them.

You know what the real crime of this racial is, all the people that will be jumping onboard the (Bandwagon Train) to pay for a race change once they see top streamers and guilds making the switch.

The winners in all this of course would be the people collecting that money.

Haymaker is actually very strong

infinite amount of times until the next big fake freak out


Don’t worry blizzard heard the cries already
now they are saying “it wasn’t intended” lol

Even if it broke on damage, the sheer throughput of the Regeneratin’ is insane. Rogues in particular have about 4 different ways they could feasibly pull the channel off. And on a 1.5 min cooldown could potentially do so twice in a single pvp encounter.

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Carry on my wayward sooon.

Plenty of classes can pull of a channel.
I love how people try to argue like its IMPOSSIBLE to channel a quick cast, even if you only get 1 or 2 seconds off.
that’s still health.
throw in a self cooldown and youre at full hp.


They will do what they always do.

  1. Release w/OP racials to trick players into spending time leveling this race of the month.
  2. Nerf the racials in 6-12 months.

You can’t use Regeneratin’ while stealthed I believe.

And while we’re talking about rogues, how about this: Nerf DI racial so it isn’t a better and second CoS that removes bleeds for rogues, then we’ll nerf Regeneratin in return, mmkay?

How many times do we have to point out how many times Blizzard has said something like this only to let something go live?

Dark Iron Racial was nerfed twice already. And it’s the same as the dwarf racial. How about you give us the AOE STun Tauren half, the mini blood lust trolls have, etc.?

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Okay then, do it. Point out all of the times Blizz has made a specific statement about something from the PTR and not followed through at all

FYI, it already breaks on damage now in the PTR, they’re already taking some of the steps they said they would

I never understood how “it was nerfed already!” makes any difference, when the original racial was ridiculously broken to begin with. So with your logic since Regeneratin’ was already nerfed once, just another one would make it fair to you right? How about, 99% of max hp over 4 seconds?

And hell no, it’s not the same as dwarf racial, are you high?

Removes all poison, disease, curse, magic, and bleed effects and increases your primary stat by 600 and an additional 200 for each effect removed. Lasts 8 sec.

Removes all poison, disease, curse, magic, and bleed effects and reduces all physical damage taken by 10% for 8 sec.

In what world is 600++ primary stat the same as physical damage reduction?

I’ll gladly give up Tauren’s crappy stun since it adds to DR, or the 12% haste trolls get (which was nerfed too several times, so by your “logic” again, why are you complaining?), for Fireblood. How is 12% haste ever better than 600+ primary stats and a self dispel? And don’t tell me it’s too hard to get a debuff to dispel. It’s a no brainer to get in PvP, and 3/4 of PvE encounters will have something for you dispel.

And yet Dark Irons are second worst race for almost every DPS class according to blood mallet, go figure.

The 1% haste from gnome, 1% crit/haste from Night Elf, etc. is significantly better than Fireblood.

And Regeneratin’ contributes absolutely nothing to dps in comparison to Fireblood.

Not everything is about pure dps. I know of Alliance mythic raid groups that swapped to Horde in Legion for a single tier, just so they could get Goblin’s Rocket Jump for M Kil’jaeden, then swapped back the tier after (Admittedly I’m glad the new encounters don’t require something as stupid as this anymore).

Nor does it change the fact that Fireblood is a far superior option in PvP to the other options and still very useful in certain PvE fights, particularly in M+ where defensive dispel coverage are at a premium. Eg. my usual tank for our high M+ keys would particularly enjoy having a bleed removal for handling the Berserker trash pulls in King’s Rest.

However, Fireblood in itself is overloaded compared to Stoneform. You should get either a defensive racial, or an offensive one. If you split Fireblood into 2 separate dps and defensive racials, they both would still be viable on their own. That’s why it’s stupid. You have the potential to wreck any DoT classes in PvP just for following attacking a DI, and there’s no way around it other than to NOT target said player.

Cannibalize. Undead Racial. When activated, regenerates 7% of total health and mana every 2 sec for 10 sec. Only works on Humanoid or Undead corpses within 5 yds. Any movement, action, or damage taken while Cannibalizing will cancel the effect.

Regeneratin’ blows that out of the water. And Cannibalize requires a corpse.

I’m sure most undead players would agree that Cannibalize was more a gimicky racial to begin with to reduce downtime in between mobs while questing, as opposed to having tangible benefits in combat.

Letting someone use Cannibalize in arenas for example is pretty much the same as letting them start drinking to regain mana; in other words, you shouldn’t be letting them do it.