Zandalari racials, what in the actual

It’s supposed to break on damage, which changes the entire dynamic of the racial

So like I said, testing happened in the PTR. In tomorrow’s news the sky is blue


I don’t think I’m quitting yet, but even I had to take a double take and say daaaamn!

I’m sure these numbers will need to be massively checked before finalizing.

its still stupid if it breaks on damage

I feel sorry for you sweetie. And attacking ones ancestors are you really that low of a person. Nice one bro. Throwing a tantrum over a racial. These things have always happen.

Skills being OP happens if you can’t handle this one but was ok with past ones and didn’t have a fit over them. Then you have a major problem.

Regeneratin’ is just one part of it though.

That heal on a heal proc comes out to 28k extra healing per proc.

13k on a bleed that can stack three times.

21.5k health shield and 3k+ armor.

If it broke on any damage, such as DoTs, etc, not really.

Yeah man. No Embrace of Jani. The best loa! Absolute outrage!

There are many apparent flaws to BFA but I too am enjoying WOW very much. Hope most if not all are addressed sooner rather than later.

As for these Zandalari racial abilities - hands down, they’re overpowered. But they’re also going through testing. You can bet the house that they will get nerfed as testing progresses. But it’s no mystery that Blizzard works slowly.

Tuning is still going out. Even currently at those values, proc rates are beyond rubbish. For example, I have yet to see the bleed stack up to 3 ever, and 2 is incredibly rare.

Not to mention numbers are incredibly easy to fix.

Just the fact that they’re allowing them onto the PTR in such a hugely imbalanced state is bad news. Because it’s not just a number issue, it’s a scope issue.

They are the most overbuilt racials in the game.

Id be extremely excited if I was even remotely close to unlocking zandalari trolls they look outstanding. I would imagine any class you played for that race is going to be amazing. why would you quit when you could roll one?

Since Allied races started I new it was the birth of something truly epic for this game. people are upset about the xpac, blizz was damned if the did and damned if they didn’t release something to its fans. over tuned, under tuned, to much content, not enough content, to easy, to hard, I don’t like this, I don’t like that.

I couldn’t imagine trying to please everyone and still turn a “profit” because funding helps keep the fun keep on. This is a race representing your faction and your giving ultimatums, like others who don’t like something new. smh. its a game play it or don’t.

Because Blizz has such a marvelous track record of actually fixing things in the PTR…or anywhere for that matter.


There were lots of blue post in Alpha and Beta. I think the community has learned that Blizzard developers can sometimes be arrogant in the face of overwhelming criticism and ignore obvious issues.

They get no more passes from the community.

How many times has a Blue post said “this is just alpha/beta/ptr, nothing is final” and then that exact thing launches on live exactly as it was on alpha/beta/ptr

It’s almost like they want to drive level boost and race change sales so they put them on PTR with insane numbers so they can tone them down to overpowered and we’ll be thankful.

Many many apparently. All this outrage only serves to make me happy I do not overthink the game.


Little tweeks here and there with the racial abilities and it should be good. This could be a start to changing other races racial abilities as well given how interesting Zandalari’s racials are, so I guess you can say be prepared to see other incoming new racial abilities, maybe.

That is because they even ignore things on PTR. Not sure how long you’ve been around, but its kind of a norm with this company unless the masses speak up, like how they are doing now with BFA. But, this will be good to see if they are actually “listening”, though they still lack communication. It will take a lot for Devs to make players happy considering what has been going on for the past 8-9 years of expansions. So you can tell how unhappy players are/will be. We will see though.

They acknowledged some were broken and not performing properly. Its PTR. Can we take these discussions to PTR forum and move on? How many active threads do we really need on one subject?

Sometimes for testing, devs make numbers absurdly high to see how it feels and slowly lower them in an attempt to find the sweet spot.

I hate how since I came back I just keep defending Blizzard despite how much I despise modern day Blizz… People keep on getting upset over small things like this that will never actually make it live yet Void Elves are still roaming about, Nightborne and Mag’har racials are still garbage, did they nerf Void Elves and buff those two? How exactly are people able to scream Horde favoritism about this and how are they able to convince themselves that it will actually go live?