Zandalari or Kul Tiran

Whos forms look better in your opinion?

Kul Tiran forms look better but both look awful imo outside of their forms. Kul Tirans are fat and hairy and Zandalari cant wear shoes.

Also you know they are on different factions right?

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Ya lmao but I j wanna hear what ppl think about them, proving something to a friend

I like the kultiran forms a lot more

Well Zandalari is dinos. Also they get more gold from kills. not much but every little bit helps.

The Zandalari cat form is horrible, their other forms are great.

The Kul Tiran moonkin form is horrible, their other forms are great.

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KT animal forms look sick and they get a stun racial.

. . .and I actually really like the female KT caster form.

If I could envision playing without Shadowmeld, I would have switched to KT by now.

I’m sorry but I like zalandari ones better. NO There cat forms looks like alligators. KT all the way…

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If KT were Horde I would consider changing from a Tauren.

I don’t care for any of the Troll Forms.

As a restoration Druid the only visuals I care about is travel - and I much prefer zandalrian travel forms (all modes). They are more unique. The Kul Tiran’s are just reskinned NE forms imo.

Both Moonkin forms look meh… but I’d give the edge to zandalarian trolls.

I do believe cat/bear forms look better on Kul Tirans. That being said… the Zandalarian forms are still more unique looking.

Kul Tiran for certain, but I couldn’t resist being a Pterodactyl.

Those Vulpera forms are going to be awesome…someday.


Zandalar all the way

I’m very partial to KT obviously, and the whole Drustvar + Drust story.

Also the human KT form is awesome you look like you could crush a persons skull and your hand and then a 12 pack.