Zandalari feral druid form glyph or mod?

Hello ladies and gentlemen from the forums,
please allow me to speak my mind about Zandalari druid forms and then ask you a question?

I know, I know you are probably tired of seeing a new post on the topic, I cant promise to offer you something different this time but please be patient with me.

One of the reasons that captivated me into WoW, aside from the common reasons like being an old school Warcraft player and a fan of the franchise since then, Is the variety of things they were able to put into one big open world, one of those things being dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs In my opinion are one of the coolest things to ever walk this earth and putting them In game along with the amazing artwork and design that the franchise always had was something that sealed the deal for me.

So, no wonder one of my favorite races are the trolls. Reading on their lore and relation to the dinosaurs, raptors specially made me hope that one day we would se druids turn into those amazing beasts and fight as one. Since In the lore it not only tells about the special bond trolls have with them but also that druids tend to take the form of creatures they can relate to.

Alright, alright, Ill get tot he point.

We didn’t get to see dinosaur forms with regular trolls and now with the Zandalari we do get to see them, but only as travel forms. The travel forms look amazing, I personally love the raptor design, but I cant say the same for the cat and bear forms…or better said the iguana cat and the tailless ankylosaur, whos species seem to have donated its tail to the direhorns somewhere in evolution.

Imagine yourself, a raptor, one of the fiercest predators that ever lived (and one of the most cunning too, as described by the franchise), you’re running through the jungle and you spot your prey, you charge it with tooth and nails prepared to rip and shred and in the last seconds before contact, you turn into a iguana cat to fight it…
That feels very anticlimactic…

Like many other people that asked for this, I would love to see a glyph that lets you use the travel form as the combat form, at least wile questing. If that won’t happen, could it be possible to have a mod for that? One that only changed my end of what I saw and not what other people see (In case the issue is with size and not mistaking it for a hunter pet or whatever).

Ohhh and btw, please don’t tell me “they would have to change all the animations just for one race”. Just use the ones you already have, I don’t care If they make a glyph for it and the animation are repetitive like the ones already existent In raptor npcs or hunter pets, hell they can use the same animations as the travel form when its attacking and I wouldn’t mind.
All I wish Is we had the option to appreciate the amazing job they did with the travel forms without having to switch to the “not that amazing job” they did with the battle forms.

If you got to the end, thank you for reading my little rant until the end, I’m sorry if its not well written or formatted. English Is not my main language.

Hope you all have a great week. :slight_smile:

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I’m pretty sure that it is against the TOS to alter the files based on how your character looks. Other than that, I would have to agree with you on the Zandalari forms. The cat form I was never impressed with, and the bear form I thought was cool at first, but after I realized it was just a bear with a dinosaur coat of paint I got over it pretty quickly. I do like the travel form, moonkin form, and the Zandalari troll model, though.

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I kinda liked the Zandar cat, but I hate the bear form. Looks ridiculous. The Moonkin form is kinda cool but imo Kultirans got the best Cat & Bear forms. I just wish they were Horde instead of Alliance.


Couldn’t agree more. I hate playing as a bloated/fat human so that really turns me away but all of the forms are incredible. Really wish they were horde.

To the OP, I feel you for different reasons sorta. I switched zand troll when they first came out because of the moonkin form. I thought it’d be cool for a change of pace for once but all the Dino forms quickly through me off. The bear for I HATE (bears are my fav animal) and the cat form wasn’t too bad actually but I also just saw myself glyphing travel and flight forms and asked myself why I bothered haha. In short I guess we all have preferences and it’d be nice to fully customize stuff but it is what it is. I’m really thankful they added the barbershop and allowed us to use the mage tower skins for both cat and bear. That’s more than I expected so I’m pretty good with that (even if I’m biased because they’re bear/cat themed).

Also, real raptors were not like they appear in Jurassic park :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh yea I love the KT Cat form and…havn’t played to much with the bear form but those are pretty awesome to. KT cat form kinda reminds me of the hidden artifact bear form from Legion. Like an undead-esque cat form.

I have heard that they actually had feathers! So basically like this:

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It seem I cant personally reply each one of you so I decided to do a general reply post directed to your replies.
Firstly let me Thank you all, I am truly grateful you took your time to read my post and was glad to read your opinions on the topic.

To Farstrider, It makes sense that it goes against TOS, after all its not a single player.
I am also happy with the moonkin form being very unique and might go that way with my Zandalari dudu. Although I can’t help but feel I’m a distant cousin of the Arakkoas when playing it lol, which Is no big deal, since the Arakkoas are a cool model created by Blizzard.

To Leadbelly, I personally think that In a lore perspective it would be weird for Kultirans to join the horde. But I dot agree that their forms are amazingly well done. I wouldn’t change a thing. Only hope that they eventually add all sizes to both Kultirans and human customizations.

To Flapz, I agree, each person has its own tastes and I also feel very grateful for all the customizations they made available for free. My request may sound a bit spoiled now that I think about it but I still would love to have even more customizations, just like the raptor form for Zandalari druids. I really love blizzards version of raptors and utahraptors.
The Zandalari druid feels to me, like its only missing that little option to be the perfect druid choice. I see myself being completely loyal to that class and druid if this happened. Just Imagine some version similar to Gonk as a Zandalari druid “cat form”.
But I know, its something that they would probably never implement, if they did, they would have to do something unique for every other race :disappointed:

They did. Dinos we’re birds after all :stuck_out_tongue:

“They did”. I speak like I was there but you know what I mean haha. It’s been “verified.”

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I’m actually on the verge of going back to unlock the KT race. My current druid is NF and I figure I’ll make the KT a Necro. I wonder how long it would take to unlock. :thinking:

True about the lore and I definitely agree with KT need some customization. I don’t mind them being beefy and stocky, would just like to reduce the gut a liiiiitle bit!

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Yeah, they are fat. And it looks bad with most armors. “They have powerlifter bodies” . Thats bs that people spout to feel good about their choice.

That said, it’s not too bad. I personally don’t mind the gut, i dont pay attention to it during combat. Also, given all the cons of the caster form— the animal forms and moonkin are awesome—you can argue, the best.

I know. I’m actually looking forward to it but i’ve run into another problem. I haven’t done any of the crap to unlock the KT race! Ugh

It’s worth. Get it done and reap the benefits. Your druid wont be another night elf druid(overrated). I personally like the exclusivity of being kt druid and being able to change my moonkin form colors