Zandalari druid won't shift into boomkin form

I’m a zandalari troll, and after the patch, my boomkin form won’t appear. I get the boomkin powers, but I stay in troll form. I miss my boomkin. No idea how to fix this problem.

Have you actually chosen the talent in the new talent tree? Moonkin form is actually on the tree in the 3rd row.


As Cyntaria mentioned, you will need to choose Moonkin Form on the Druid side of the talent tree.


Another thing to look at is if you have glyphed your Moonkin Form at all.


It should have automatically chosen moonkin form for balance with the starter build thats provided after the patch. None of my Druids had to manually select moonkin form unless I reset the talent trees first.

I had that happen yesterday to both my Kul Tiran and Worgen druids. After changing back and forth several times mine sorted itself out. It only happened with boomkin form.

Wow that’s literally the first thing i did lol