I like many other players have this reputation in a state of incompletion. I would love to see this reputation revisited and repaired so we can all have the ability to complete content that has been lost.
A long time ago the raids were changed to dungeons, and we lost this reputation to the changes of the game. But now we have a solution and a way to fix this.
Here is a question for Blizzard. Why can you not just add an NPC at the dungeon/raid instance portal to “shift the timeline” between raid and dungeon so we can finish our rep farming? You know so we can trigger the completion for the “united Nations” guild achievement? Or maybe so we can collect the rep and finish our rep farming for the expansion? We already have this for entire zones, and we do a similar thing with raids and dungeons already with switching between 10/25man and normal/heroic/mythic. Why is this any different?
Allowing players to change timelines for entire zones and phasing players into timelines has opened some opportunities across the game for Blizzard to fix the shortcomings throughout the game due to game evolution. I know this is a selfish request and an annoying topic that nobody at Blizzard wants to broach, however this can add some depth back to the game and allow players to not only enjoy the older expansions in a more complete nature but allow the long-standing players to complete and finish tasks left incomplete. I hope this can be a good solution for some of the issues that we see in the game due to the longevity of the game.
I just hope this does not sit on the back burner like the broken monuments in the garrison. My kids play wow with me now and they have been so excited with the garrison and all the “cool” things I have unlocked and completed in the game. It’s just sad that they will not get the same experience I had while playing because of unintended consequences from the game evolving.
As stated above we now have a way to fix this problem “shifting the timeline” of the dungeon back to the raid seems like a solution that is feasible and an achievable goal for Blizzard.
Thank you ALL for reading my post/rant/solution for repairing a part of the game that has been lost. If anyone from Blizzard reads this, thank you as well for the read and I hope this is considered. As always may the wind be at your backs and the loot in your bags! Happy hunting in Azeroth!
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I have Zandalar exalted on a couple characters. I think I got it done in the early days of Cata before the Troll dungeon patch happened.
It seems they are putting older content back in the game in a rather piecemeal way. (adding back old items to ZG, ability to unlock old Scholo and Naxx) and of course there are the individual zones you can set back to points before specific events.
I’d rather be able to talk to Cromie and be put into various points in the timeline. The whole game changes to that point for you. She kinda does tht but do it more completely, and allow us to select Classic, BC, Wrath or Cata and see the world map and all the dungeons and raids back to what they were back then. Maybe let Hunters tame the old style pets too. (new Hyenas are derpy)
Then we could work on the old Reps the way we use to.
This is definitely an interesting idea.
My only worry is that the game wouldn’t be able to handle having so many different versions of the world available like that.
Would you still interact with players in the modern timeline/version of the game? Or would you be phased like current Chromie time?
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Just out of curiosity, how do I unlock old scholomance and Naxxramus?
Tried to look it up on WoWhead and got random things nothing to do with my search.
Googling it brought me to the right wowhead links I think.
What I was saying is for the instances to be phased into the original version. This would make it possible to farm the reputations since the loot tables are different between the raid and the dungeon that replaced it. We already do this with 10/25man. As to the game stability, instances are ran through a different server if I remember correctly, separate from the realm server. Chromie time might be the best solution. We have a Chromie time for every single expansion except for classic WoW, since classic was overwritten by Cataclysm. A Chromie timeline might be a bit more work than either a zone shift (like in Darkshore) or an instance shift from dungeon to old raid version.
this could get murky. what if a hunter tames a timewalk pet, then uses it in another timewalk period. Ohhh I can already hear the gears shifting from “My Legendary” to “Hunters get X” and I don’t"
Just to save you the disappointment, while they did add old Scholomance back in its entirety, they monkeypawed a bunch of mechanics onto retail Naxx to get some of the old rewards, but not all. And what’s there has a million hoops to jump through and ridiculous costs.
Ohh I see, so you are specifically referring to dungeons and raids matching the associated Chromie time. Thank you for the clarification. 
No problem, it just seems to be a simple yet effective solution.
Or simply put the NPCs back on their island and let us use the items that can now be earned again to increase the reputation.
I dunno, maybe that takes too much hard thinking by the devs.
What did you have in mind that other classes would want? Classic travel form for druids?
I haven’t been able to get the toy yet. been wondering if the rare only spawns if you have Dragonflight. (I don’t, i’m like 4 expac behind right now.)
That is an interesting question. I unlocked old scolo last week. I gave up on the unlocking old naxx because I can’t get the speed to get the bosses in dead side stratholme. Just seemed like a pain to do. Maybe if I had other people in my guild or friends I could, but eh, not that big of a deal.
Well I will amend my prior ignorance, as it looks, some of the items and recipes are now obtainable. However I have to go through a quest chain that takes me to a place I have yet to complete or even start yet on the toon that needs the reputation… this is kind of stupid.
And to answer the question about the other old school stuff from the raid, yes I would love to have access to it just like when it was current.
We have entire zones phased, Dungeons and raids that have separate lockouts of normal, heroic, mythic on 5/10/25 formats. We phase players in the same zone as others on Chromie time and if in a party in a different time, your party member location data still shows on the map! But somehow we can’t add an NPC to trigger a phasing of your character or party to zone into an old raid? Seems suspect to me. I like to collect, there are items in the game that are completely unobtainable now. I understand that. However, when we have gone so long without a solution to farming the reputation from a raid and now it appears that you have to quest it out to have access…there is a better way and we have the technology. We just are not using it across the board.
Thanks for reading the thread. As of now I will not be updating it unless needed.
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Most (keyword most) old pets still exist in the game, as rare spawns specifically made for hunters to tame.
For instance, the bears:
You just don’t see them, presumably because people like how the new ones look.
As for the topic, I’d love for Zandalar AND Shendralar to be brought back.
Thank you, I have been following Petopia since the beginning.
So because old bears still exist, it invalidates the request for those that do not? How would it hurt you if somebody had access to what they want?
Regarding the old Zandalar rep, this character hit exalted way, way back in the day. I should be welcomed by the Zandalari with open arms whenever I go to Zandalar but that doesn’t happen. That vexes me.
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Those who did the centaur quests can now get both bumped up to exalted, but still one loves you and the other hates you. And it is not based on the one you raised.