Zac Efron/Anduin Wrynn?

Did the actor model for Anduin? I can’t unsee this


#twinning :women_with_bunny_ears:


No, he’s Aaron Paul (as Jesse Pinkman) in the final season of Breaking Bad. They were obviously thinking about how to depict a traumatized twenty-something year old dude and Breaking Bad is the best show that has ever been made except Better Call Saul, so they just copied it

Blizzard does lack originality. Makes sense… there’s definitely a resemblance there.

Kind of looks more like Stephen Amell to me.

That is amazing to be honest.

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I liked him better as Brad Pitt in the BfA cinematic.


Google Casey Affleck and tell me that’s not him in the cinematic.

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Works for me. I get to meet him tomorrow night at the world premiere of a movie that is coming out December 22, The Iron Claw. It’s about the East Texas wrestling family, the VonErichs. My husband was very close to that family (still is close with Kevin and his sons) and is in the movie, basically as himself, and he also advised them on the technical issues in the wrestling scenes.

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Anduin is using this as an audition for the next Mad Max role.

If you don’t think it’s Jesse Pinkman, consider:

  • Better Call Saul, the greatest TV show and prequel to the 2nd greatest show (Breaking Bad), ended last year. All appreciators of great television saw it and I bet that includes the people who make WoW cinematics
  • Look at the way Anduin brandishes his weapon at Thrall and Thrall, who is there to help Anduin, seems unfazed—it’s basically just a copy of the last episode of Breaking Bad, specifically the part after:
Breaking Bad last episode spoilers

Walt frees Jesse from his Jailers