Ythisens, you WILL be missed

too accurate, dear god


I’m a bit stunned that they fired him. I hope he and the rest are able to find new jobs soon. :frowning:

The fact that you’ve repeated this several times now just shows that you’re trying to get people riled up from your rudeness. Shaking my head.


You and everyone like you disgusts me.


Well the MVPs are free 
 they’re adjusting to sub losses

Golden Yak + communication = awesome.

Will be missed!

I am hopeful now that maybe all is not lost with the writing team. With this shakeup at the company, maybe the writing team will start pulling out their A-game now, as clearly they haven’t been.

Kaldorei on Kaldorei hate
 where’s the basic human male paladin to right these wrongs, and turn the tides of hatred toward the Horde and it’s Blizzard-staff guardians?

I know not, blood elf. But I know this kind of degenerate elf would happily side with Sira and Delaryn against his own people because he has some petty grudges to settle. Disgusting, reprehensible thing.

You spelled green posting wrong 


You are happy that someones dream got crushed. Your happy that someone lost their source of income. Your happy that the next few months of that persons life is going to be a living hell of trying to find work while still paying bills.

That’s just wrong. Yth wasn’t some corporate fat cat, he wasnt a board member, he wasn’t making 6 figures. He was a regular guy that got hit with a layoff like many others out there.

To make a post like that saying your happy a out this is just being scummy.


*looks in thread about a CM being laid off*


*Checks calendar*

Yep. Still the late 2010s.

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I hope Ythisens gets a chance to post his farewell here on the forums.

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Sadly around 800 were layed off.

What an idiotic company.
Layoff the one guy who probably communicated more than any other CM’s during their entire careers.


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It was probably that gross haired hippy Lore

With Activision in charge not likely. Lets hope Blizzard has some muscle left to make it happen.

Have to say it seems like bad PR to lay off one the most well liked and publicly visible employees for your flagship game. It’s not like anyone else here even bothered having a real conversation with the players.

Really regretting the money I spent in game this week.

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Really sorry to hear that, it’s pretty heartbreaking because it was literally his dream job; not just another job. A dream job that he would’ve been happy to retire in. My thoughts are with you, Caden/Ythisens.

Honestly I didnt really care for him as a CM.
However, it always sucks when someone loses there job.
And this whole situation in just bullcrap.