Ysondre Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Ysondre (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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Boonar, Orc warrior from Cold Fusion. Used to roll with Armada, Painmachine, Onf, Smisoul, and Iso. Raided from the tail end of BWL to Twin Emps in AQ40.

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Sup Boonar, I remember that name, I was Pimic Tauren Resto Druid. I remember playing with Smisoul and Danks and all them.

I definitely remember seeing Cold Fusion around, but any details have been forgotten.

I was one of the core members of Rival for many years during the first two expansions; I was their primary Enhancement Shaman. I remember our PvE progression competed largely with Gentlemen’s Club in Burning Crusade and Calibre for the first year of Wrath of the Lich King before Exodus transferred here. Prior to all of that, back in classic, this character was a Troll named Zaniya and was in Red Dragon Reavers and later Conspiracy. I can still recall Cobra and The Final Order as the two main Horde guilds back then.

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Hey guys, i was in Cold Fusion. Kinnan - Rogue, used i recognize Pimic for sure and Smisoul. Crazy times

Also used to play with Zarnoff (Hunter), Makavelli (Priest), Emminent (Rogue), Loked (Pally) :slight_smile:

The real questions is… Where the F is RockHumper? His french canadian, my humps/ring of fire signing, aq gong ringing a$$ was hilarious.


where you in Digital Jesus in WOTLK times?

Im curious if anyone knows what happened to Gunzup


I was/am AngryAmazon, Shaman, mostly guild less but often was responsible for the weeks long world pvp raids between Tauren Mill and South Shore.

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Still on Ysondre. My main 2 are still around and semi active. I was on my Tauren Druid Manida who was part of Church of Cow Jesus and Omnious Latin Name. I also have my Orc Shaman Chuluka, a transfer from Dark Iron, who was also in Omnious Latin Name…I think. >_>

(Classic Wow)Prayer/Killhem Orc Shaman. Used to be in guild called Waambulance. LF Guild Members. SLayer, Peacemaker, Flatbox, Zomo Smash, Seth ???box and whoever else was in it cant remember

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Hey all my name was Badblood, I was so damn noobish in classic but I know I joined Ominous latin name and i made my own guild called Dark Swords ( I cringe at it now) if my friends skelm and Biedz are somewhat around I’d be pumped haha.

Kegstand - Tauren Shaman in Waambulance

We’re rolling Fairbanks Horde, if any want to join hit me up.
BNet - TheBigTuna#1336

where my LA~ bros?

If you wanna have a Cold Fusion reunion hit up this discord
https: //discord. gg/8g2RAQC

Just fix the spaces in the link

Makavelli, Goorauth, Loked, Danks, Eminent, Pimic all in there already

Forget which character I had on here but we were in a guild called Lawl in Order with a couple of kids from Cali and my buddies here on the east coast. Rabbi who was a priest is the only one I remember right now.

I was in digitaljesus. Not 100% sure what happened to him. I think he got a job customizing cars and was so busy with that that he didn’t have time to play anymore.

Hey guys, I’ve been in Ysondre since it first came out, left in Cata and came back in Legion.
I can’t remember the guild I was in, but I do remember the awesome times in MC and BLW, the Dire Maul and so on.

My name has remained the same, Gigolock (A Warlock Gigolo), if you can bring back some of the memories, that’d be awesome.

Good to see the old members of Ysondre coming back together.

Where’s Tdaddy!?

Oromis, Troll shaman. Played with Hansel, Greywind, Xtwnd, Armada, Brox(sp?), Roguetactx and a ton others. Raided with them pretty much right up until we merged with another guild that became Cold Fusion, I believe.