Ysera Alliance Reconnections

I was Simetra, NE hunter. Old name reserved already… planning on going the same route this time and to those who remember me, the Vertigo isn’t an issue anymore :smiley: Will be on Pagle, as requested.

Ha knew youd pop in me and Yodi were just talking about ya last week man how you been?!

Oh man, all the familiar names :grin: I’m rolling with a bunch of RL friends on Myzrael, and pretty excited about it

Awww c’mon pal! Remember the old wow > rl?? Hahaha can’t blame you, i’ll just roll with my old toon to see who we can find again, but I guess I won’t be able to rush from 1-29 over the weekend like the old days…now I get wife aggro most of the time :frowning:

anyone from Hereafter around?!

Ultimatemage - Alliance Ysera from end of vanilla to early MoP. Natural Order, Team vti, Lunacy, Continuum also was in Premonition and For the Children for a short time.

I am hoping to find some old friends playing here on launch. Galiant here started as a human lock and also was the founder of Greyskull Warriors back in the day. Used to do everything with my in game friend Tannen for years. Sadly I do not think they play anymore and I lost their number over the years.
as for other guilds since letting GSW dissipate?
I was in:
For The Children
Spiritus Mundi

I think I got them all…haha

I played a dwarf hunter on Ysera way back when. His name was doughboi (lol) I had a friend name Yazoo (I believe?). Anyway, we used to hangout in game all the time, and even exchanged emails for a while.

I am coming back Bear. We will have to hook up man! Cept I’ll have to be a Night Elf this time instead of my ever loving tentacle self

Hotalium - Protect Warrior
Dawn of the Rebellion

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LF members of Reign…

Affinity - Warrior
Terlin - Mage and guild leader

I was aka Nitebuterfly - Resto Druid.

Hey Hot

I am still leveling on Ysera BFA with Bearvark while I wait for Classic. I plan to roll on Pagle at Classic launch. Hit me up if you can.

Nice to see a familiar face.


LF my buddy Hellsmaiden we levled together throughout classic to BC then you stopped playing it’s me Fungfook/Fooksrogue hopefully you make a return it would be awesome!

We were in Draumaless and Deadly Intent together if memory serves me right.

Anyone around from the old “RUTHLESS” Guild?
Evisor, Velinarra were GM’s…
I was their off-tank through BWL
“Billmarrior” NE Warrior

This wasn’t in classic, but I really want to find my hold friend. His name was Stormblood, Worgen Rogue. My name was at that time Ezraker, Worgen Warrior
(I didn’t have a guild and I don’t think he did either)

Hi Manelven!

Honeybunch/Posh/Mez, was also in Requiem, Rochambeau World Champs, and a few others I already forgot. It’s been a while…

@Nitebuterfly - Hey night, Terlin in on the thunderhorn forums under Jackalakuz/Terlin… if you want to reach out to him might have better luck there!

Also Hi! -> Immy - NE Druid … the real early days lol

Laeriel - Human Rogue - The Jaded

Looking to see if any of the old folks are around, Famm, Anian, Numnayan, Kaerel. Getting a gang together to play Alliance on Herod. If you were old The Jaded, and are looking for a place to chill with old WoW and EQ players, hit me up. If I ignore you, well, GL :wink:

Yo Warstar, you probably don’t remember me from when I was Alliance on Ysera in WotLK->MoP, but it’s nice to see you’re still around.

Yodi still plays??

Anyone from the old Knightz crusade?

Hey, its Famm, did you reserve Laeriel so its easy to find you in game?