Yrel and “Lightbound” Deep Dive; Not 100% Right. Not 100% Wrong

There are also Mag’har who worked with the Draenei against the Iron Horde and yet the ended up joining the Mag’har clan under Grom’s leadership. Food for thought on that account don’t you think? After all the Lightbound did kill Durotan.


That is completely speculation. There might have been a reprieve from their own infighting to topple Guldan…we don’t know if they went back to attacking each other just like how Horde and Alliance do ALL. THE. TIME.


As it stands, I think the comment isn’t that there was still widespread war, that’s clearly contradictory to what both sides say. It didn’t just go away in the sense that clearly aspects like resentment remained.

Thanks for agreeing they are victims.

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I specifically referred to Dark Kosh The one that Sinclair takes an instant dislike to in the Minbar novels and whom Sheridan is forced to kill later on in the series when the latter leaves him no room to choose otherwise. His treatment of Lyta is abominable. He forces her to strip her quarters bare and sleep on the bare floor. And it’s clear that he views the younger races as either pests to be swept aside if they’re not suitable cannon fodder to be thrown at the Shadows. The actions of the Vorlons later show that his attitude is more towards their norm than the original Kosh.

That sounds pretty clear. They worked together to drive the Legion out of Draenor and decades had passed. They couldn’t have done it without the aid of the Mag’har and wanted to remain unified.

Also, for most fanatical cult-ish reading:

Special Kool-aid incoming.


Yep but they don’t inspire a lot of pity with everything they had previously done.

Suddenly the church of light becomes interesting. I am getting some Warhammer vibes here.

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I’m not going to tell people how their emotions should be about the situation.

Remember when the humans put orcs in camps after the orcs tried to obliterate all of mankind, elfkind, and dwarfkind?

This is kinda like that. Technically lenient, but still… bad. Technically better than the alternative, but still causes people to lose their minds about how evil the Alliance is or something.

Dog whistle? To borrow from The Princess Bride; “You keep using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.”

You also didn’t answer my questions; So you bringing up the Crusades is a-ok, but me bringing up the Byzantine-Seljuk Wars has Islamophobic overtones? Quite the double standard. On that note, do you condemn atrocities from people of every religion or just single out Christianity? (Why avoid the questions? Guilty conscience?)

I didn’t know there were Babylon 5 novels, and Xe’ra’s actions as shown in-game and the story “A Thousand Years of War” still fall well short of Dark Kosh’s.

Funny you should say that, @Baalsamael, since the Iron Horde actually fit being modelled after the British Empire far better; the Iron Horde was the first in their world to industrialise, which they used to humiliate their former rivals, utilised steam power extensively, complete with a massive steam fleet and train system, yet had descended from pretty primitive, Celtic-ish people. Its rulers also boasted they “will never be slaves” but would be “conquerors” - Rule Britannia, anyone?

You could use this logic to generalize any real world ethnic group irl.

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Do I live in so much of your head rent-free that you necro a thread that ended over 2 years ago?

I would not be so personally complimented - he recently necro’d like 10 threads in the Story Forum that were more than a year old.

Not exactly sure why he is necroing old threads… But your thread was not the only one.


Yes… pay attention to the end of WOD. Y’Rel MADE PEACE WITH HIM, and pledged her people to work with his in building a better future.

The real plot hole is the lack of evolution that turned her into a theocratic zealot whose operating phrase switched from “Let us work together” to “Join or Die”.

I suspect that one or more Naaru to be responsible.


Everyone is basically “join us or die” tbh lmao


All one has to do is look at Xe’ra and what she tried to pull with Illidan to know what the Naaru agenda really is.

The question is, will Blizzard ever touch this story angle again or will they put it in the vault and hope we someday forget it exists?


Yrel is wrong. Cope.

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Very wrong, what happened to the sweet girl that wanted to maintain peace between the two races? Why’s she suddenly become a colonizer?

It generally happens to people who find religion again. Even in real life, they tend to go off the deep end and develop a cult like mentality over it


Quite frankly I suspect a Naaru did to her what X’era tried to do with Illidan.

I’m pretty sure that the choice is Door Number two.