You're Welcome Anti-Tankers

The only reason Blizzard did this is because People complained! They complained because THEIR CHOSEN Class can’t do what Tanks do yet they want it all. It’s called Jealousy!

Been that way since Beta 2004!

Blizzard should have buffed Healers in this regard. Now Tanks will be harder to heal and runs will take longer all because Little Johnny wanted what Tanks had on his Survival Hunter but couldn’t get it.

Reap what you Sow!

My Guardian Druid will now be shelved until further notice. I was going to Tank for People but due to all the complainers they can enjoy their longer Queues now.


No one cares bro. Move along lol.

  1. Not a Bro.
  2. If you didn’t care you would not have posted.
  3. Move along. “lol”

What happened? These rant posts are annoying when they do nothing to contextualize the conversation.


If the issue is that tanks can mitigate the damage without the need for healers, how does buffing healers do anything about that? If the tanks didn’t need the weaker healers, they won’t need buffed healers either.


Healers are not needed in current M0. The optimal group is a tank and 4 dps. Blizzard is obviously trying to fix that.


Anytime a class or specs is given god mode and then taken away it’s followed by cries of outrage


Press X to doubt.


The simple nerf would be just giving everybody a debuff where they only take 50% of heals from people that aren’t a healer role (or in healer spec) in the dungeon.


Why would you quit? The vast majority of the nerfs for Druid were in pvp, not mythic+. If your goal is to heal M+ then it’s not really a big nerf.

They did gut self healing as well in the patch. But the problem wasn’t the healing. Tanks could solo a lot of M0 which is a bit bonkers.


Tanks were gods,

Tanks got slapped down to be demi-gods,

Tank rage.

I don’t even care about PvE, all I know is in arenas and WPvP, they were straight up unkillable. Straight up unkillable and did decent damage. It was completely anti-hype and I hope that this nerf fixes that.


lol what?

If a tiny 10% nerf is what breaks you, you had no business playing a tank to begin with.


Well, break out the popcorn. This is going to be a fun read.


I’m not sure that matters since there are thousands of other tanks playing the game. Tanks were op at the moment and getting nerfed it’s not that serious. :man_shrugging:t2:

It’s primarily PvP players who are happy with these nerfs and don’t care if the PvE side of WoW dies.

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I bet if they steath nerfed tanks by this 10%, no one would even notice. Is 10 damn percent, get over yourself…

If this 10% nerf starts making you die a lot more, you were a terrible tank to begin with.


It won’t. Guardian will still be a god, and it’s the dumbest looking tank in the game. Everyone is losing.

What’s 10% times trying to tank 5-10 mobs.

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So instead of your HP staying at 100% the whole time, maybe now it will go to 75-80%. WOW, scary stuff right?