Your argument was that classic was popular due to people hating LFR or Flying. That is countered by BC having flying and being more popular than vanilla.
I would think so.
But people still keep whining about needing a helping hand in the form of more abilities, being able to switch abilities, ect.
It’s like they have no faith in their own ability to play the game.
To that end though, my questions become… once I’ve ground out torghast on my main for my legendaries, and w/e end-game grinds are in place… How much work is it going to take to get an alt up to speed?
Cause if it’s ANYTHING like (even current) BfA… Then this is going to be a massive failure from this perspective.
Torghast access is account-wide, they made the change in the same build they changed the reward structure. If your main can go into wing 8, your alt can.
Ah yes, the way people on the forums talk min/maxers are crawling out of the woodwork there’s so many of them. Doesn’t matter WHY you dislike covenants, if you don’t like them, then you’re automatically a min/maxer.
Very interesting. What about crafting legendaries? Once I craft one on my main, can I simply purchase one on my alt? Or will I be grinding that as well?
Well, although I’m certainly not a min-maxer nor a mythic raider, I respect the players who play like that. That’s just their style and no one is going to change that.
However, WoW is a roleplaying game more than it is an action RPG. Classes should feel distinct and unique from each other, not homogenized. The choices you make as a class, race, and covenant choice should matter and be optimal in some areas, weaker in others. That, to me, is what makes an MMORPG fun.
Look at Classic. Classic forces people into cookie cutter builds, BUT the classes, at least, are all distinct from each other. It makes a huge impact what class you play and what experience you get to have at end game.
You will have to do the grind for Soul Ash (the crafting mat) on your alt it sounds like. Any recipes gated by rep will be account-wide though if you’ve progressed it on your main. If some legendary recipes comes from exalted with a faction, all characters on your account have access to those recipes.
Comment dodging and topic switching much?
I can see why you don’t even bother to reply to my last comment on WoD and Legion when i said what you think is problematic is subjective, because people who love or hate something is subjective opinion.
I also don’t know why you think Cosmetics doesn’t matter (which is also a pretty anti-art thing to say), when your mogged yourself. If you don’t think they matter, you would’ve never mogged yourself. Your not even being consistent with that.
This is exactly how it was for me, only I didn’t really bother until Mage Tower came out. Then I made it a point to unlock the appearances for my feral and guardian druids.
I still kick myself even now for not bothering to partake in the Mop and Wod Challenge Modes.
Well looks like some strides are being made there at least. I’m still not a fan of locked covenants, but at least that’s something.
Spoken like someone who’s never done Mythic raiding.
Wow guys Slands is 100% alt friendly! YAHOO!
Wait what? Cosmetics don’t matter? Why do people go all out for formulating good transmogs then? Or having an excellent looking character? Or why people advocate so heavily for MORE customization?
They ABSOLUTELY matter, coming from somebody who plays a RP server, people take pride and adoration for having good cosmetic options. And they flaunt it, because it looks cool.
That’s all it is. Cosmetics are cool and good, so people want them.
Entered thinking this was a thread about Henry Cavill, left disappointed.
Lack of tmog is one of the top reasons why I dislike classic.
I do agree with this big time. I look at my alts, and I just feel like Bart simpson stuck inside with a broken leg. The broken leg being rank 4 grind while playing ret (and trying to learn holy for arena). I have 19 rank 4s right now (still need 2 more m+ to get 3 more), and I am doing rustbolt to get last paragon. And these past 5? weeks I have been trying to kill azshara for a rank 4.
Alt playtime this expansion has severely plummeted for me.
But it’ll only take 8 hours to level a separate character and if BfA is anything to go by maybe two-three weeks to gear, might as well just make one for whichever specialized activity I want. Am I doing it right?
Ah, a part of me agrees but then again having a weird wacky assortment of armor feels fun to wear.
Also people know exactly what good stuff you got on, but that’s really the only pro for me personally. Lookin pretty is the only way I can do good DPS.
Two words: greedy algorithm.
Okay. I feel like this is pretty simple stuff.
I offer you a cookie if you do your homework. You want a cookie right? Who doesn’t? Free cookies are great. I love cookies too dude. But then I check in with you, and you didn’t do your homework - that cookie wasn’t really enough to make you do your homework. So does the cookie actually matter? It didn’t serve its purpose. Obviously once I put the cookie back in the cookie jar you say you want the cookie, but you just want the cookie, you don’t want to do your homework and if you didn’t do it before, will you actually do it now?
This is a subscription based game. Winning = subbing, losing = unsubbing. That’s it. It doesn’t matter if you had fun, it matters if you subbed or not. If you aren’t subbing through WoD’s content drought grinding out attempts on Challenge Mode, Challenge Modes failed as a feature because the carrot wasn’t enough to keep you hooked (and it isn’t as if the WoD dungeons weren’t fun either - WoD had some really cool dungeons, which makes it even a bigger bummer that the reward wasn’t enticing enough to make the content played).