Your top two addons

Litemount: It’s nice having a way to make a customizable random mount list for my 700+ mounts.

Rarity: Also nice being able to track kill attempts on my mount collecting journey.

Hard to pick just 2, the stock interface is just that bad.

Elvui, and weak auras are at the top followed by plater, omniCD, and details.

Then prove it by posting your retail main.

Until then you’re full of BS.

Keep making lies up to help you cope. You havent told me anything I havent already known.

Glad bags gonna glad bag while hiding on classic toons

The fact that you feel so determined to prove yourself vs a classic toon says a lot. Cuz you went at others here and in other threads trying to say stuff to them too. You got a pilot to Vanq title in ATR. I proved that by telling you how you got your own title. You didn’t even know how you got it until I told you how. K? And that is an irrefutable fact. AND also the fact that you said that addons are not allowed in the WoW arena tournament back when you did them…they were allowed then. You would actually know that had you played your own toon in ATR. So like I said…you’re a phony.

DBM. I get overwhelmed in big fights so something to help me know when to get out of the fire is essential.

Bartender. The new built in UI editor is great, but it doesn’t nearly go far enough.

Rofl says the guy openly making things up because he can’t handle the facts. The guy too afraid to post his retail characters.

You haven’t even noticed I don’t actually care what you think. I find it hilarious you’re trying every way of claiming I didn’t earn vanq title because you can’t handle the fact that I did earn it.

It’s pretty obvious you’re actually trash at the game or else you wouldn’t hide your retail mains. I’m just laughing at your responses which is why I keep responding.

Considering I didn’t get piloted and you’re 100% wrong it’s not a fact rofl. Keep coping though.

Incorrect. I never said that. Again you’re making things up because you can’t read.

I specifically said that big tournaments didn’t allow addons back then when Reckful and Venruki played. I never said anything about when I played or that I even played in a big tournament.

You’re raging so hard you can’t even read things and are just making things up.

Considering I never said addons were banned on the ATR. You would know that if you could read :+1:

You did actually.

Posted 1 day ago by you here. hard for you to keep track of your own web of lies here, now isn’t it?

I didn’t.

I guess I shouldn’t have assumed you were smart enough to understand I was talking about major tournaments as i specifically mentioned Blizzcon.

No where did I ever say that addons weren’t allowed on the atr.

Cope some more buddy boy.

Btw what’s your mains name/server in retail.

I’d love to see you actually back some claims up instead of ultra coping and lying.

I was talking about ATR at the time.

And speaking of smart… why is it that I had to tell YOU how YOU got your own title? You forgot how you got your own title. Still a phony.

Actually we were talking about how reckful
And Venruki don’t like addons. Try and keep up.

Because it was 12 years ago and I had one aspect wrong. Never claimed to be perfect.

All irrelevant till you prove you’re not garbage on retail.

But yet that was the one and only thing you tried to rub in my face… and you were wrong about the very thing you tried to brag to me about.

Getting a single aspect wrong on a title I earned 12 years ago doesn’t change the fact I still earned it.

Didn’t brag. Just stated I had it when you said I had no relevant pvp titles.

Which is hilarious when you’re too scared to post your retail mains. Afraid we see that #forever challenger.

If I asked ten years ago I’d be harder for me to answer back then I used a TON.

Actually 12 years ago is more accurate.

Anyway today it’s by far titan panel and bad boy (anti spam).

Runner up is Tom Tom (my third most used).

I’m a simple man. Only have a couple more than this I try to keep my wow setup neat tidy and clean.

GTFO because I tunnel vision and stand in bad

Runner-ups would probably be:
Titan Panel
Weak Auras

Enhanced raid frames cause i like customizing buff placement and actually seeing all my hots on the target.

Omnicc or weakauras for interrupt/cd tracking in pugs.

Weak Auras and Bartender probably

All The Things plus removing the rules for collecting xmog ruined me

I got 60+ posts into this … and didn’t see a single mention for PLATER??!

This game is unplayable without Plater. lol At least if you do anything more than outdoor content. My QoL might suffer a little if I lost the other 4-5 mods I play with, but I’d get by.

But PLATER??? No way. 100% MUST HAVE.

It’s surprising how little DBM actually does once you get better at the game. I tend to only update DBM twice during an entire expansion. The reasons is-- it’s mostly not needed. The game MOSTLY tells you what you need to know. Weak Auras has dramatically surpassed the space DBM used to own.

“Can I Mog It?” may just be for tracking xmog, but there’s no other way to tell if you have something in your collection or not. It’s criminal that this isn’t part of the default UI, especially now that every class can collect every xmog. I’d call it a “100% must have”… but you don’t really NEED to track xmog to clear the raid. But for collectors? Yeah… it’s a MUST!

“Rematch” is the same way. If you do any sort of repeat pet battles, it’s 100% must have. But I realize most people don’t engage with PBs.

oh oh oh …

The addon EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE… and, again, is a CRIME that it is still not part of the default UI:


The new “pin” system in the game is nice but … get a coordinates addon. It’s like 50 BYTES, the smallest addon you could possibly get. And makes everything about the game better. ZERO excuse not to have a Coord mod.

1° Font Control. For my monitor, 12 as font scaling is too low. It’s painful to play after some some time, so I’m using this addon to scale into 16 mininum.

2° BTW Quests. Quest jornal, wish blizzard implemmented something similar to this inti the game. We already have dungeons and raids jornal.