Your thoughts on a Companion system for Solo play?

I think FFXIV already as this system…
Ppl can do solo groups with a select few NPC’s.

Also, ESO companions system is just in it’s test phase for the community to try and then after 2 years they will either rework it or leave it to die…
( For those that are new to ESO, it’s no surprise as to what that company does to its playerbase but if you do compare WoW to ESO then ESO is still better than Ions version of WoW…)

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  1. As long as companions aren’t mandatory (and let’s not forget, mandatory is very broad in wowverse lol )
  2. Blizz can just make whatever creature scale and not need any companions

paying 2 subscriptions and playing 2 characters simultaneously is the same thing as having npcs join you on quests.

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Worst idea ever and I’ll never play eso again if I no longer get to be a lone champion and have to have a robot stapled to my side for the rest of the game

I don’t like the idea personally, but I’m old fashioned in that I think we shouldn’t have NPC’s replace actual people. Solo players should seek to become flexible if they want to take part in content which requires groups.

I know maldraxxus has something. You get an undead follower (a few to choose from), and they all have weekly quests to get mats for cosmetics for your followers. I haven’t bothered to open up more than T1 travel and mission board for any other covenant. I kind of assumed they all had the option.

I love the idea. WoW already had a test run with Withered training in Legion. They need to take it to the next level for those of us that just plain don’t like people or commitment to schedules. It needs to happen if this game wants to evolve and keep people around for the long haul.

Final Fantasy does already have this in with a few differences. You can use Trust only during Shadowbringers and above content currently. They will do all the required main story dungeons with you but after that you will need to go back to the first dungeon and level them up.

Dungeons do go significantly slower with them but you can wipe as many times as you want to learn boss encounters (dungeon difficulty is not lowered for trust dungeons, just the speed you kill it with players makes it that much easier).

You also only get one piece of loot for each boss which goes directly to you. Companions will always make random comments during the dungeon sometimes for storyline reasons.
The best part about it honestly is for people who have medical issues or children. They can go at a pace they need to or take a sudden afk for a few moments to care care of things. It also is great if you are learning a new job because you can practice on NPCs who know you are just trying your best.

Also important to know that Trust is completely optional. A lot of people I know in the game actually rarely use it because it does slow down the dungeons a ton so they would still rather go in with players over the trust NPCs. It just gives you that option to use them.

Its not required.

I know this is months old but did you ever consider the fact that ppl can be utter diks? Just think about it: here you are trying to group up with someone and either they are expecting you to do most of the work, make fun of you for being new, or have an addon that let’s them calculate how much damage every person on the team is doing. That last one happened to me a couple times when I was getting used to my rogue and how bad they can be most of the time. It also sucks when you have social anxiety and really hate unnecessary negativity. Solo is the way to go even in a MMORPG. While I would like to think there are more good people out there, I have yet to find them lol.

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The Lone Rangers? You can’t pluralize the Lone Range, can you?

They are out there. I have a few randos on my friend list, because they were very helpful in very niche situations.

You can. Each solo player out in the world can be their own Lone Ranger, but when referring to them, they can all be Lone Rangers. I have even seen Lone Rangers grouped together, and off doing completely unrelated things, like one searching for a rare Hunter pet, another fishing in Garrison, one hunting rares on Timeless Isle, for example. I forget what the Group Finder name was, but it was probably a random group I joined while being that guy on Timeless Isle, looking for a battle pet drop from a rare.

Its take too much effort to a point you gonna compromise other things .

The issue with AI doing instance content is its either toooo good or too bad.
Like my healing companion in SWTOR , I gave her good gear and she can solo heal our dungeon groups - zeros issues, or our crazy companions in Cyberpunk 2077…they suck and do nothing.

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It’d allow them to put more into dungeons and raids like they tried to in Legion and BFA, where you needed certain kills for story or profession recipes.

They’d be able to utilize the dungeon environments more for a larger part of the player base. There’s a lot of people playing this game that don’t always want to spend most of their play sessions in a group.

For example, I have no problem running queueable content and I’ll raid with friends and stuff if I can find the time for it, but my wife won’t even run heroic dungeons because of a few toxic folks back when she was still learning to play the game. I can’t get her to run anything with me unless it’s a full group of friends, which is super rare.

Not like there’s really any social interaction with the players in group WQs or queueable content anyway. If we had NPCs in there and they threw out an emote or dialogue once in a while, it’d be more than we ever see from other players. lol.

The only time other players talk in these things is to be rude.

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Seemed to work alright in that little end scenario on the exile isle leveling place where you had a couple of npc’s group with ya to fight the dragon thing at the end. Also liked having the follower in Legion that could go out with you on missions, or wq’s. They could add scenarios like they had in mop, and it would probably work. Believe they should leave 5 persons, or more content alone though. But yeah it would be pretty cool imo to have a companion type system for like mop scenarios, or like island expeditions. Would always have the option to group up the regular way with other players to.

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OMG YAS! I love your wife lol. She totally gets it. People can really get to you and whether it’s once or multiple times, that tends to weigh upon you until you feel like you can’t really trust anyone in games. I had a friend I used to play with a few years ago but other than that, I don’t try anymore. I end up having to skip certain content cuz I can’t solo it but it’s not detriment to my life. Sucks but the calmest you’ll get is a forum…at least sometimes.

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I’m not really a fan of AI companions, they aren’t remotely the same as playing with other real people. At that point it’s like guild wars 1, where they insisted you carry 4 bots with you everywhere outside of town, so it’s almost like you never felt whole.

When I’m soloing I want to solo, I don’t really want AI “helping” if that makes any sense. At some point the game would just become one of those cell phone games where you watch your fighters scroll up the map as you purchase upgrades and you aren’t actually involved in the combat at all. That’s hyperbolic but the point stands, it’s why I like this and not games like that.

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Yeah I really like this idea, it would help smaller groups of friends do content intended for more people, or solo players get to experience more of the game. I would want it as an option, of course, so people and their friends could choose to get more people if they wanted to, or even run alone with less than the required amount of people, because this can be fun too! 5 person normal raids, anyone?

I support it wholeheartedly, including things like mythic+ and mythic raids. Even rated pvp. As long as the npcs perform about the same as the humans in your group do so it’s fair and achievements are actually earned. Maybe make the NPCs do a little better than you so people experience progression with this style of gameplay.

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or make it that they dont die to some stuff. bit like in the syl fight, the 3 npcs can stand in stuff that is a 1 hit k.o and they are fine

sure, some of the “need to kill x before y happens” could get annoying if the ai dosnt target the correct thing

Turn it on because we can’t stand each other for more than 5 minutes.

Turn it on! We are dying out here!